-Follow the ToS
-Follow LSG rules
-Don't post threads here that don't belong here.
-Don't post threads that belong here somewhere else.
-Don't complain without suggestion for alternative (Suggestions are welcome)

What Goes Here?
*Questions about ladies or for men
*Funny Stories specific to men
--I know about your ED.
*Advice offerings to/request of advice from men
*B'aw and D'aw specific to men
*Displays of raw manliness
--PG13 or else

What Doesn't Go Here?
*Everything else
--Womanly s**t
--Questions for women
--Advice offerings to/request of advice from women
--B'aw and D'aw specific to women
--Main forum/other subforum things

WTF! You nazimods moved my thread!
Post it where it belongs in the first place! Promote subforum activity!


Topics of Interest
Sexiest Womanly Feature