Hiya! My name's Sami and for my Anthropology class this semester, I am required to do an "Ethnography" (or discription of a culture). for a chosen subculture. Being aloud to choose anything we wanted, I thought, "hey! what would be more fun than doing an ethnography on 'con goers?!"
So, over the next 2 months, I'm going to be needing volunteers to answer questions and give examples and such for this.

I will not ask any personal information, and if I need a name, you are welcome to give me a fake one. I'll never ask phone numbers, names, email adresses, adresses, or anything of the such (the most I'll ask of personal info is a name)

If you would like to help me (I would love you forever) just PM saying so. I may or may not use you, but will let you know if I will be.
Right now it'll be pretty slow, because we're just starting this in class, but it will pick up soon enough. The project is due May 3rd

Thank you for reading (and helping?)

Lots of Love
~Chibi Chibi Sami heart