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Supershow #9

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:19 pm
Main Event
Undisputed Title shot!
Matt Draven vs Harli
(As will be announced in the first promo!)Angel as Enforcer


As Harli launched for going for the school boy Draven turned and DDT Harli. Harli popped up from landing on his face to his back. The ref started a ten count!


Draven started to move and went to cover Harli for the pin! The ref went for the count!


Angel pulled the ref out of the ring and knocked him out! The crowd booed as Angel did this. He looked at the crowd laughing. Angel then slide into the ring and began to stomp on both beaten up wrestlers. The crowd was starting to get mad as these two both wrestled hard and just to have a fresh man come out and ruin it. Angel then put Draven on his shoulder and dragged Harli onto Draven for a pin. Angel went down for the count!


Angel mocked like he was going to hit three and began to laugh. Angel stood up then lost his smile and began to stomp on both Draven and Harli. Security came out only get to punched and knocked down. Shadow then came down to the ring. The crowd wasn't sure what to think, but they cheered as Shadow and Angel began to trade lefts and rights. The crowd was cheering because sure Shadow could be a d**k at time, but he was a respect wrestler that wants the best for competition. Angel was starting to lose the upper hand and he went for a low blow.

Shadow caught his leg as the crowd stood up to their feet. Shadow then throws Angel's foot around and now has Shadow facing Angels Back. Shadow then lift Angel up and performs Shadow's Emo Slam (Crash Thunder Buster)! The crowd erupts!

As Angel was hit with this move he ended up sliding out of the ring hold his head. Shadow still in the ring helped both Draven and Harli up as this match was ruled a time limit draw at 40 minutes! The crowd cheered at the fact that both these men went that long. Shadow raised both Harli's and Dravens hands into the air! The show the faded to black!


DJ Return Promo


The opening drum line of a familiar beat hit the speaker system... All of a sudden the screaching guitars from Bullet For My Valentine's song "Scream, Aim, Fire" began to play throughout the arena. The fans erupted in cheers. This could only mean one thing... The self proclaimed, "Perfect One" was now entering the match...


Kill your enemies,
My brothers dead around me,
Wounds are hurting
Death is creeping for me,
Smoke is blinding
Hearts are pounding
Chaos soon ignites
The call is made
It's one for all
Will I meet my maker

All of a sudden a familiar figure emerged from behind the curtains running down to the stage at all full speed. He had long black hair, somewhere around the 190-200 pound area (200). It was none other then "The Perfectionist", DJ and he had a microphone in his hand. The fans began to cheer even louder mostly the woman.


Over The Top Over The Top
Right Now It's Killing Time
Over The Top Over The Top
The Only Way Out Is To Die

A few seconds later the announcer began to introduce him.

{Making his way to the... ---

DJ put his hand up telling the referee to stop the introduction. Apparently he wanted to do it. He quickly dashed down the ring ramp and slid into the ring. Once he was in the ring he grabbed the microphone from the referee....


DJ shooed the referee away. The referee nodded his head as he left the ring. DJ grinned as he looked at the crowd of WWFG fans in attendance. "WWFG! How are we today?!" The fans roared with cheers, obviously saying they were glad to see the perfectionist! Sounds good, sounds good. He said with a smile. "Well, as you know I'm here for a reason. Yes, I'm sorry loyal perfectionists I didn't come out here only to see you guys! I came out here to say a two things. First off: The Perfectionist is back home to WWFG!” The fans roared with cheers, as if they didn't know that. “And Two: ... I'M TIRED OF MEDIOCRACY! I'm tired of being the best of the mediocre! I'm tired of day in and out dominating the small and the weak, The Average!"

DJ paused for a few seconds for dramatic effect. His long black hair shinned in the light. It looked so soft so smooth.

"Yes, this is why I left. I had no competition. Personally I love WWFG, The Fans, the management, the talent!” The fans roared with cheers. But when did I ever get an opportunity to actually face big name opponents? Face the best of the best? Not once can I actually recall The Perfectionist doing battle with a main eventer, with a big named talent! WWFG, you have a rising star here, standing in the ring. A man full of talent, speed, precision. I guess you can say... I'm the PERFECT package. What I lack for in strength I make up for in charisma. I'm tired of living the shadows of others. I'm tired of being held back... From showing off my abilities. I'm not saying I want a title shot, or a chance to main event. Just... Please for the love of god, put me against decent opponents! Talented individuals… So please management, understand I'm here to stay and I'm ready to show WWFG That I'm the best... To show WWFG that it is truly... Perfect..."

Dj dropped the microphone. The fans began clapping and chanting "DJ" as the perfectionist left the ring and started making his way backstage.

Tyson Briggs and Mr.X. vs Christina Parks and KJN


Tyson and Mr.X. clothesline Christina Parks over the top rope. As they did the KJN ran at Mr.X. and Tyson. Mr.X. was in front and he went for a clothesline. KJN went to duck it however Tyson was bent over in what looked to be a Back body drop position, but it was not. Tyson was in position to hit The West Coast Salute. Tyson then ran towards a Kneeling Mr.X. He then went to hit the W.C.S onto Mr. X. knee! Mr.X then pinned KJN in the middle of the ring as Tyson Briggs yelled to the crowd Draze n Justin have nothing on us!


The winner the Tag team Champions Dem Boys!


Kody with Mardy vs C.H.R.O.N.O. with Claire

(Well then. Kody wins do to being more active in the match.)


CH.R.O.N.O is in the corner on the second ropes throwing punches, forearms, knees what ever you can think of. The ref was however was on the other side of the ring with Claire because she was on the apron trying to get into the ring.

Mardy pulled out something that looked like a regular cigarette, but wasn't? Mardy ran to the corner where Kody and Chrono were. Mardy to a drag and climbed the apron. She then blew the smoke into Chrono's face. He looked up with a weird look on his face and sort of smiled, but as this was happening Kody mustard up enough strength and power bombed Chrono!

The crowd jumped to their feet as Chrono was slammed. Claire and Mardy both got down from the apron. The ref turned to see Chrono on the canvas as Kody is climbing to the top rope. Kody then jumped off the top rope and hit Kodiak Pludge!!! The ref then went for the count!


The winner Kody!!


Mardy forgets

Draze n Justin vs Cross and Cyrus


Justin ran at Cyrus for a clothesline, Cyrus ducked it and hit the D-O! Cyrus went for the pin. The ref counted!


Draze broke up the pin. Cross ran into the ring and then clothesline him and himself over the top rope to the outside.

Cyrus got up and saw Justin starting to also. Cyrus ran to a corner and went for a Cyricanrana!! Justin caught Cyrus on his shoulders before walking out towards the middle of the ring. Justin the pinned Cyrus and the ref went for the count!


The winners Justin N Draze!

The commentary made a comment saying that maybe Justin is going break this losing streak now!


Mike Landry vs Brody


Brody lifts Landry up and hits the Bottom Floor on Landry. Landry hit the canvas hard. Landry ended up sliding out of the ring from the force of the move. The ref went for the count out!


Brody slide out of the ring and went to pick Landry up, but as he was lifting him Landry hit a low blow. The ref called for the bell Disqualifying Micheal Landry!

Your winner Brody!


Landry was standing and then he began to stomp on Brody! The crowd booed as he did this. Landry looked around while sweat was going down his face towards the ground. Landry walked a few feet away from the down Brody. He then grabbed the pads on the outside and pulled them up off the ground exposing the cement. The crowd booed as he was doing this. Brody was starting to get to his feet. Landry came running back at Brody and went for Hurrikick! Brody was taken back to the ground.

Landry stayed where he was till he moved near Brody. He went to pick Brody up into a firemans carry. Landry began to slowly walk towards the exposed Cement. He was about to go for a FireBomb when a few security member, the black wolf, and Lenny Scootermeyer came down to the ring trying to stop Landry.

Landry dropped Brody on the ground. He was about to walk away before he punched Lenny Scootermeyer. Lenny fell to the ground from the punch. The black wolf looked down at Lenny then ran at Landry. Landry hit Wolf in the gut he then pick him up and hit a Firebomb on the cement. The security had sort moved out the way as the were looking to see if Brody was okay.

Landry looked around at the crowd as they booed him. Landry then looked at Brody and said.

"That is you at Place Your Bets!"

Landry then walked up the backstage.


Cyrus promo

Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders...

I don't love how you love
but please don't leave me here alone
I don't feel how you feel
Well it's my fault I'm bones
The music paused for a moment then wheel of fireworks went off around the titantron followed by a huge explosion.

Cheers erupted from the audience as Cyrus appeared on stage, he was wearing a white button up shirt and baggy blue jeans. He raised his fists high in the air as seven red pyros go off on stage. After a moment or so, he started off down the ramp. He walked down the right side of the ramp, giving a few of the fans high fives as he made his way down to the ring. As soon as he got to the ring, he hopped onto the apron and slipped into the ring between the top and middle ropes. He stepped over to the ropes opposite of him and leaned a boot against the bottom one, he raised a fist in the air as he leaned forward against the ropes. He finally hopped off after catching a mic thrown from the crowd.
He smiled and waited a for a moment for the crowd to quiet down. "The great fans around the world haven't been seeing a lot of me lately. A lot of people think I may be losing passion for this sport, that I may not be around much longer." Cyrus shook his head. "That's bull s**t. In only a few years I've become a multiple time world champion. In those years I've proven myself the most hardcore, tenacious, daredevil in the business. I'm climbing the ladder towards being a legend and not a thing can stop that!"

*As Cyrus was just starting to display what made him legend worthy in front of the thousands of fans he was abruptly cut of by the lights in the arena lights going out completely. After a moment of confusion and being shrouded in darkness a faint wind sound could be heard coming through the place as “Fill Me Again” by Dark New Day began blasting and the fans roared with approval. White flashing lights lit up the entrance tunnel providing the only source of light as a shadowy figure began to emerge. It was none other than the legend, The Maverick himself. He had only been seen in small doses for months around the business but apparently was about to make his first confrontation with another superstar for the first time in nearly a year.*

*As the fans cheered for a moment and slapped Mav’s hands on the way down the ramp he eventually came upon the ring where his eyes became locked onto Cyrus, a man who was the definition of excellence within the squared circle. A slight cocky grin crossed Mav’s face as he grabbed a mic on his way up the steps and entered the ring. Moments later the music died and he slowly lifted the mic towards his mouth.*

“ I guess it’s pretty obvious that the “sheriff” is back in town”

*The fans erupted with approval”

“You see, ever since my retirement years ago I have made little appearances here and there just checking out the local talent and watching this company progress without me as a factor within the company, and I gotta admit…it makes me sick to see the direction this company is going. I look around these lockers and all I see is a bunch of half a** wannabe wrestlers who are barely worthy of lacing my boots.”

“You see, back when I was active in this company I set the bar for what an in ring performance was suppose to look like, and without a doubt, I was the absolute best when the bell rung. I put on a show like no one before me, and no one to follow. Then there is you….Cyrus. You have elevated the playing field to a pedestal that most wrestlers in the company will never be able to reach. You have had multiple title reigns, given blood and sweat for these fans, and get up again every morning just to keep the cycle going. You could very well be considered the best in the business today and the face of this company.”

*The fans began to cheer for a moment after hearing the praise Cyrus was given*

“But…. (Crowd dies down) …I couldn’t help but notice that you mentioned you on your way, climbing the ladder towards being a legend. Now that…. is where you and I don’t see eye to eye. Let me….educate you on something. A wise man once said, if you want to be the man, you got to beat the man. Now as far as I can see, I am still standing, and still willing and able to put on a show like you have never, seen before. Why? Because I can. So let me cut to the chase and lay it all out for you Cyrus. Kid if you truly think you’re going to be worthy of reaching a legend’s status….lets see you beat a man who has already reached it.”

*The challenge had been laid out and the fans couldn’t believe it. After all this time The Legend himself had found an opponent that he both respected and wanted to test for himself. We are all very well in the process of seeing two of the absolute best wrestlers in history face off for the first time ever. The fans could only cheer at the thought as they all awaited Cyrus’s reply*

Cyrus thought for a moment then lifted his mic to speak again. "Legend or not I would have accepted this challenge either way." Cheers erupted from the fans when it was finally said. "If your the next obstacle I have no problem with the match..." Cyrus paced along the ropes and then stepped over to The Maverick and looked to him eye to eye."However, on another note I can't help but feel you looking down on not only myself but every man in the wrestling business. The same people all these great fans come to see every week! It sickens me to think that you can walk in here and stomp all over the history of this generation and be high on yourself. It is on this note that I again accept your challenge."

*A slight grin crossed Mav's face*

"As far as I can see I ams till the best in this business and I always keep these fans on their toes. All High on myself huh? I think the real fact of the matter is that I am living reality and your just chasing a dream. Sooner or latrer...reality is going to wake you up"

*Mav dropped the mic and began to put a slight amount of distance between them as if her planned to leave when suddenly Mav turned and aimed a superkick right for Cyrus hoping to drop him on the mat*

Cyrus didn't expect Maverick to throw a cheap shot and wasn't able to react in time. Cyrus was hit with the super kick and fell backwards, hitting the canvas.

*The fans were in shock of the cheap shot as Mav grabbed the mic again and hovered over Cyrus*

"It's real simple kid. This is a cut throat business where controversy can bring you fame in a matter of moments. Any time, any place, any terms. You decide when and how you want it....then Ill show you how it ends. You may have the respect of some people in the locker room, but a few title reigns dont impress me. You better be ready to earn my respect the hard way"

*Mav then threw down the mic as he exited the ring and headed towards the back while his music hit the arena. Many fans were in a state of shock while other followers of Cyrus booed Mav as he exited an unexpected reaction for the legend to recieve*

TGI Huk and Derrick Daze vs Joey Desch and Sean Rowe aka Blood Wolf


Joey picked Daze up and hit J3D( sitout inverted brainbuster)! Wolf ran across the ring and knocked TGI off the ring as the ref counted.


Your winners Joey and Blood!


Joshua Danielson Promo

??? Title!
Nuke Fusion vs GBL


Nuke kicked GBL in the gut and ran to the rope going for the Fusion Cutter! GBL moved out the way at the last second and hit a Roaring Elbow on Nuke. Nuke turned into the elbow with out knowing it. GBL then went for a pin.


The winner and New Intercontinental champion. GBL!!


Marxx vs Shadow


Marxx gets up near the ropes and is clothesline over it by Shadow. The ref starts counting to ten.


Marxx got up and looked at the ring and crowd.

Marxx walked forward towards the ring going to climb on the apron even grabbing the second rope, but he stops and jumps down and headed to the back.

The winner Shadow!


Doug Announces Royal Rumble Winner!(With Matt Draven, Marxx, Angel, Harli, and Doug!)
-Announce Enforced
-Announce Shadow vs Marxx
-Announce Nuke Fusion Title situation
-Announce the Royal Rumble winner

Dark Match
? vs Jones

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:31 pm


Dangerous Genius

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xXxChristopher CrossxXx

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:48 pm
Christopher Cross for a match.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:10 pm
TGI Huk  


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:14 pm
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:18 pm
Brody Robinson.  


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:01 pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:43 pm
Jack Jones  


Call Me Bam

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:44 pm
Justin Amaze  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:02 am
If I don't win the rumble, I want my rematch for the Undisputed title  


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:13 pm
I don't know Harli. You didn't defend the belt that much and you got auto hit on. You didn't do a promo, build up the show at all. So Why should you get a rematch?  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:04 pm
Sorry I didn't have time due to being busy with work but I can cut a promo before the match  


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:09 am
Yet I saw you on sykpe everyday.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:06 pm
Looking for a match or Promo.  


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