My name is Thorn i lost my father to Lung and Brain Cancer 12 years ago. I watched him go through therapy and it pained me to watch him suffer like that. I was there when the doctor told him he had cancer and at the way it was progressing he would have a couple of years to live even though I was young I understood every word of what was going on with my father. His brain cancer started with tumors like most cancers do. He died while I was at school January 27th 1997 I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at lunch my school counselor came to get me and take me into her office and that was when she told me what happened she took me home I ran inside one the bed where he was sleeping and I cried on him till my tear ducts went dry. I said goodbye to him and told him I loved him

In his memory I'm gonna get a tattoo of a wolf with a rose in his mouth and put a R.I.P banner on top and under the wolf.