I have had a few unfortunate deaths over the years.
Phantom[tarantula]died of unknown causes. Was with me for a year
Patches[Dog]Cancer. Has been with me since I was six
Sugar[cat] wouldn't eat, so was put to sleep. With me since 8
Chilsea[cat]old age/cancer. Was on her way to adulthood when I was born.
Fugu[frog]Metabolic Bone Disease. Was, unfortunately, with me too short a time.
Millennium[millipede] an infestation of mites that I could not get rid of no matter how hard I tried. Was with me for a year
One-eye:[Rat] Unknown causes

And then there's one animal I have never been able to get over. His name was Jimmy. He was the damn nicest cat I've ever had and so friendly to everyone. He was an outside cat-I begged mom to bring him inside, but she wouldn't have it and she'd just keep throwing him back out.

She found him outside one day very weak and did not bother to take him in. I didn't find him 'till later and I had to practically crawl under the house to get him.

My stupid mother refused to take him to the vet. He couldn't walk, couldn't use the bathroom, and was gasping for breath. She wouldn't take him because it was so much money and we were going on vacation in a few days-obviously, the vacation was more important. When she finally got him to the emergency vet they told us he had complete kidney failure and one air sac left.
This was who he was