If you're looking to get a cert updated with a name, specialty, or need something changed, feel free to post it here. Use the form below!

Please be aware that there is a possibility that not all colorists will use this thread, so please don't solely rely on this to get your cert changed. If you notice that what you've posted isn't striken out/completed, then please PM a colorist once it's been over a week.

[img]IMAGE URL HERE[/img]
[b]Faekat Name:[/b]
[b]Cert Changes:[/b]

Staff who use this thread:

Staff who use other threads:
Sylent Nyte (Post in Fairymount's thread)
one over three (Post in Lady Aria Starstone's thread)
Rein_Carnation (Post in Lady Aria Starstone's thread)
Rhyleigh (Post in Pinka's thread)
Seussi (Post in Pinka's thread)
ktqueen (Post in Anthro's certing thread)
Fatal Irony (Post in Fairymount's thread)
Ninjagami Ryo Kage (Post in Songstress Kitsune's thread)
Yayoi (Post in Songstress Kitsune's thread)
Parue (Post in Songstress Kitsune's thread)
Mondo Celest (Post in Songstress Kitsune's thread)
Akira-Kisho (Post in His Certing thread)
Strawberri Stardust (Post in her certing thread)
chinhamaroo (Post in her certing thread)
F a l l a c y (Post in Artymus' thread)
icy serenade (Post in her certing thread)

Staff who prefer PMs:
Kimie Kitty
Debrutsid (PM Violet Darkstarr)

If you have a fae that needs updating from an inactive staff member or is from a CYO, you can get it fixed in Fairy's certing thread

Mates and other cert corrections BESIDES names and specs can be fixed here.