Not much to be said - I expect people know how to behave...well enough.


-Avoid Spam - not the bad sort at least.

-Avoid Misconduct - including but not limited to insulting
flaming, trolling, and please try to keep those bad vibes to yourself. Every now and then we do need to vent. That's fine. Just don't do it at the cost of someone else feeling bad (don't direct vents to specific individuals kind of thing).

-No offsite Trading - This means no trading gaia items for
TM items, or vice-versa. It's illegal on both sites.

-Also, please don't beg. Asking is fine, but begging makes anyone appear ridiculous.

-By all means, have fun and feel free to come up with any ideas
you have or want to see happen. Just don't let them conflict
with the very few guidelines. I don't want this to be a strict community.