Okay, now that I have finished chapter one and edited the intro, I am looking for feedback. This thread will last me a while, so don;t expect a thread every chapter I get out. I know you guys wouldn't want that. So...This time...Feedback?

Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll

By Erik Copper


“Time of death: Nine o’clock, Tuesday, March 29, 1977. Cause of death: Accidental overdose. Name of deceased: John Starr. I got to say this, Mitch, it’s always the famous ones that would hit the ground hard. I guess it’s about time I tell the others the real deal,” said Detective Griff as he checked his wrist watch and shuffled past his partner. He had witnessed many deaths in the past years, but no one struck him as hard as this one. These guys were at the peak of their career, and to have something like this pull them down was simply calamitous.

The detective turned at the corner of the backstage exit and caught sight of the other band members, leaning against the dark walls that paralleled their solemn faces. They knew what the circumstances were. They knew it was all over. He approached them, quite hesitant and uncertain of how to broach the subject.

As he was just about to put across the message in the most innocuous way, one of the band members blurted out, “Well detective? Is my brother dead…?” Jacob Starr asked hoarsely. It was perceptible to anyone that this guy had been crying.

“I’m afraid so, son. I know it’s hard for you to deal with it right now, but that’s the truth,” Griff said. He had never been fond of being the bearer of bad news, but it came with the job.

There was a long silence. The detective could tell just by the look of utter defeat on the young man’s face that he couldn’t believe it. Max Hilroy, another member of the band spoke up, “Jacob, I guess you have to take it easier, regardless how hard it is. Fame and fortune is nice, but we all know good things must come to an end. I can still remember the first day we all got together. What a day that was... "

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Wednesday, January 2, 1962. The cold New York City streets were a dangerous place to be at night. A man walked the streets with his long coat billowing behind him. The man’s name was Ron Starr and he came from a humble town on the outskirts of the city. His job had led him to the city earlier today, and his car had broken down on his way home. He knew the chance he was taking, walking alone in the dark. Still, here he was, strolling to the nearest store that might be able to provide some help. Sadly, not all things are meant to end happily.

Ron Starr was a well-off man. He had money and even a nice ring on his finger that would catch a pretty penny. He was high class and he knew it. People envied him, and that was one of the reasons it wasn’t a good night to be him.

In the shadows of a back alley lurked a man. This man was poor, and had happened to come across something he could use today. He saw the glint of Ron’s ring from his place of concealment, and he was captivated. This man would be his ticket out of poverty. He silently followed Ron, making sure that would be victim couldn’t see him. Ron— refusing to give in to his imagination—did not turn when he felt eyes on him. He often had odd feelings, but they never proved true. So the man gained on him.

He was feeling fatigued and his gaze came to rest on a nearby park bench. He sat on the bench to take a rest. His pursuer inched closer, taking out what he found lying in the street today: A large-bladed knife. Ron was too tired to notice the hand that was slowly reaching to grab him. In one swift motion, the man grabbed Ron, and held him still.

“Goodnight mister. Have a nice sleep.”

With that, he ripped the knife through the neck of his prey. Ron’s body fell lifeless to the ground, and the man walked off with the ring. The news would be delivered to his family the next day. Susan, Jacob, and John Starr would be in mourning. Such was the way of life…

It has been two years since Ron Starr’s death. Today is January 2, 1964. For the occasion, the youngest of the Starr siblings has decided to stay home from school and comfort his mother. The oldest has chosen to spend the day away from the house, to avoid the inevitable emotional stress. Jacob Starr is in the midst of making his mother a sympathy card, when she starts crying hysterically.

“Oh, Ronnie. You’ll never know how much I love you. Even now, when I look at your picture, I find myself wishing you were here with me,” Susan Starr said wiping a tear from her eye. She had been without him for a while now, and at night it haunted her. She had horrible nightmares about him, and she would wake up crying his name and reaching for him, only to remember he wasn’t there. It was getting to be too much. She reached a shaky hand out to the end table and felt around for her saving grace. When her palm made contact with it, she began to wail. How could she think of this? She had two sons to care for.

“Mom? What’s wrong?” Jacob asked. He had been in his room, carefully putting together pictures of the times that the family had had. He heard his mother start sobbing loudly, and he came running.

“Don’t come near me Jacob! Leave the room. Mommy isn’t going to take this anymore,” She screeched. Jacob ignored her deranged babbling and stepped closer. In a blur of motion, Jacob’s mother grabbed an object laying on the end table and pointed it at Jacob. He heard a slow click as the hammer on the revolver was pulled back.

“I’m telling you Jacob. Don’t come near me. Mommy is not going to have it,” She said harshly. Her eyes were red from her hysterical crying, and her blonde hair was in a frizzled mess. Jacob froze in his tracks.

“M-M-Mom…What are you d-doing?” He stuttered. He saw her face soften, and then she turned the gun in her palm. Jacob’s eyes widened as she raised it to her own head. He saw her mouth the words, “I’m so sorry.”

Jacob shouted as he heard the gunshot. He stared in shock at his mother’s lifeless body. John Starr: 14 years old and away from the house. Jacob Starr: 11 years old and witness to the tragedy. The Starr brothers: Both orphans.


“Okay, Jacob. Be on your best behavior today, okay? This family is willing to adopt both you and John, so try and impress them,” Miss Cook said, “This is a big day for all of us, alright? Straighten your bowtie, they’re at the door.”

As the orphanage caretaker known as Janet Cook walked to the door, Jacob’s brother, John, came out from the bathroom straightening his tie. “Hey, John, why do we have to wear these weird clothes? They itch and are too tight.” Jacob asked his brother. The Starr siblings had been orphans for a year now. They had each had a birthday in the care of Sunny Sea Orphanage, and neither of them enjoyed it one bit. Jacob was twelve, and John was fifteen. That didn’t help that fact that both of them were still too young to comprehend the situation that had happened a year before…

“Mom! No!” Jacob cried as the pistol went off. He looked on in utter horror as his mother’s dead body slumped over, blood pooling from the wound in her head. He rushed to his mother’s side as she lay lifeless on the couch where she was just moments before, crying.

Jacob began to sob hysterically as someone from outside kicked the door in and announced, “Is everyone alright? I heard a gunshot!”

His gaze came to rest on the little boy and the body near the couch. “Oh my god! Are you two alright?” He said with a mix of shock and dismay. He had been too late.
He walked over to the two figures and Jacob began to stand. “Mister,” he pleaded,” Please tell me my mommy is alive. PLEASE!” The man just shook his head as he looked at the pool of blood that was still growing on the floor around her head.

“Boy…I think you should come with me. We need to call someone,” The man said with a look of pain in his face. Jacob let out a wail of anguish as he let the tears flow rapidly from his eyes. The man took Jacob by the hand and dragged hm, away from the house and to the nearest phone booth. As the man called the emergency services, Jacob sobbed silently on the curb. He couldn’t believe she was really gone…What about John? What would he say? As the sirens came closer to the scene, Jacob lost himself to his sorrow a bit a time…

“Hello! Welcome to the Sunny Sea Orphanage! Are you here for John and Jacob? Right this way!” Said Miss Cook as she led the couple into the parlor where Jacob and John stood waiting.

So! Any feedback? Please be honest. Oh! And This chapter focuses mainly on the past, which is why I didn't develop characters very much. That will come later on in Chapter 2.