It's a "dramatic" scene. Again, I HAD to write this for my Latin 2 class...

Setting: A street in Rome
The combined classes of a US high school's Advanced Placement Italian language and Culture class stand near the tour bus, waiting to be bused to visit the day’s tour attraction, the remains of the Roman Coliseum. One girl in particular stands out among the rest. She leans against the terra cotta wall of the Italian hotel, wearing sunglasses on her face, and hiding from the morning Italian sun. Her face, imperious looking, is devoid of all emotion, save for the small frown as she looks up to the sky to see the sun is out. She is average height, but her build is slight, and looks fragile, to all the boys who look her over as a prize to be won. She looks at a girl near her who is busy applying lip gloss to her lips, and scoffs at the girl. Her name is Annabella Marco, and she is a light tan girl with dark brunette hair in thick luscious curls. Although Annabella looks ordinary, she is a very inordinate 17 year old. She looks at the boy standing next to her, the Russian exchange student, Dmitri Markov, although the two had known each other for centuries. He smirked at her as the students began to load the bus.
"Let's make this a trip to remember." He said in a heavy Russian accent.
She smirked and walked onto the bus, thinking how fragile and finite humans were compared to Dmiti and her poweress.
"Remember to not kill any of the Roman citizens, unless you absolutely have to." Dmitri whispered in her ear.
She smiled sweetly at him, and the age came into her eyes. "I'll remember. You forget I was here so long ago when all of this was built and shown in the morning sun brightly." She whispered back, sincerely, and inaudible to those around them.
"I await your signal, boss" he smirked and sat in the seat across the aisle from her.
Five minutes into the county side to see the ancient Roman villas, Annabella decapitated the girl sitting next to her, Dmitri following suit. They worked their way down six rows when a knife stabbed her in the heart. She looked down and saw it was a stake, and Dmitri on the floor beside her, already dead.
"How fitting it is that I'm the one who will kill you, Annabella." a familiar voice said. It came from a brunette boy sitting in the seat she was about to attack next. "I will mourn over your corpse though. But you're a vampire and I'm a vampire slayer, so it must be done."
Tears came to Annabella's eyes. "Jean?" she whispered. "Is it really you?"
The man turned and stood up fluidly. Tears were in his eyes as well. Jean was Annabella's husband in 1700's France, when she gave him the gift of immorality without giving him the curse of the vampires. A tear ran free from her eyes, and Jean wiped it from her face.
"I love you Belle," he whispered back, using her French nickname. "And I always will."
He grabbed the silver stake and shoved it more in her heart. "Adieu, ma Cherie. Ma Belle." He said as he lowered her body to the ground. He kissed her on the cheek as a final good bye and walked away from her.