[A] Digimon: Obtainable only through use of a Digi-Egg in the TP Shop or Contests, Events or Auctions. You are able to Armor Digivolve a [R] Digimon that has not Digivolved any further to an [A] Digimon.

[A] Digimon
Coming Soon.

[H] Digimon: Hybrid-Human [H-H] Digimon and Hybrid-Beast [H-B] Digimon are (Restricted), obtainable only in the Unknown Lab or Contests, Events or Auctions. You are able to Spirit Digivolve a [R] Digimon that has not been Digivolved any further to a [H-H] Digimon, and Digivolve a [H-H] Digimon to its [H-B] Level in the Unknown Lab.

[H-H] Digimon:
Agunimon [H-H] (Restricted)
Arbormon [H-H] (Restricted)
Beetlemon [H-H] (Restricted)
Duskmon [H-H] (Restricted)
Grumblemon [H-H] (Restricted)
Kazemon [H-H] (Restricted)
Kumamon [H-H] (Restricted)
Lobomon [H-H] (Restricted)
Loewemon [H-H] (Restricted)
Mercuremon [H-H] (Restricted)
Ranamon [H-H] (Restricted)

[H-B] Digimon:
BurningGreymon [H-B] (Restricted)
Calmaramon [H-B] (Restricted)
Gigasmon [H-B] (Restricted)
JagerLoewemon [H-B] (Restricted)
KendoGarurumon [H-B] (Restricted)
Korikakumon [H-B] (Restricted)
MetalKabuterimon [H-B] (Restricted)
Petaldramon [H-B] (Restricted)
Sakkakumon [H-B] (Restricted)
Velgemon [H-B] (Restricted)
Zephyrmon [H-B] (Restricted)

Hybrid-Advanced [H-A] Digimon are (Special), obtainable only in the DNA Lab using the respective Human and Beast Hybrid Digimon of the same Spirit. This does mean that you will need 2 separate Digimon, not just 1 Digimon with both Levels.

[H-A] Digimon:
Aldamon [H-A] (Special)
Agunimon + BurningGreymon

Beowolfmon [H-A] (Special)
Lobomon + KendoGarurumon

DaiPenmon [H-A] (Special)
Kumamon + Korikakumon

JetSilphymon [H-A] (Special)
Kazemon + Zephyrmon

Rhihimon [H-A] (Special)
Currently Unavailable
Duskmon + Velgemon
Loewemon + JagerLoewemon

RhinoKabuterimon [H-A] (Special)
Beetlemon + MetalKabuterimon

Hybrid-Zeta [H-Z] Digimon, are (Restricted) and are obtainable only by Digivolving 1 Aldamon or Beowolfmon, in the TP Shop.

[H-Z] Digimon:
EmperorGreymon [H-Z] (Restricted)
MagnaGarurumon [H-Z] (Restricted)

Susanoomon, the final [M^1] Digimon of the Spirit Digimon, is (Restricted), obtainable only in the DNA Lab.

[M^1] Digimon:
Susanoomon [M^1] (Restricted)
EmperorGreymon + MagnaGarurumon