Looking for four bumpers :] (permanent JOB! User Image )

Must fit the follow criteria

1- Must be on gaia at-least 2-4 hours a day every day.
2- Has to be willing to put link in signature
3- Willing to post my link and banner around gaia
4- Must have at least 400 post in gaia forums (Must be available on your profile)
5- Must be no more then 1-2 years of age on gaia (must be available on your profile)
6- Must Be able to post banner some were on gaia at least 5 TIMES! A day :]
7- Must send a link for every Bump/ Post (Can send in bulk)
8- Pm's must be open.
9- Must add me to friends list so i can make sure you are online line for the amount of time required. (If you need to leave for a little bit that is understand able just as long as you let me know)
10- The top bumper of the month (As in the person that has posted/Bumped the most) Will receive a special gift bounces AND or item :]
11- You can not Bump your own threads with my banner more then 5 times
12- The same two people can not bump the same thread.

Your first time on the job you will make
5g per bump/post For 7 days then i will slowly increase it 1g at a time. You can soon make a max amount of all most 10k a MONTH! : D Every week, BUT you must make sure all of your stuff above is fully qualified. You must give me all of the link to the the bumps/ post so i can keep tract of your pay. I will be paying you every month, around the third of the month or so.
(You will receive the banner/ link when i pick the four i would like)
Fill out this form bellow if you wish to apply for the job.

Link to profile:
Join Date:
Number of post:
Number of hours on gaia daily and weekly:
Additional Information: