World Wrestling Federation Guild Opening -

Where Dream Matches Come True! - Jed
(Played during the saying above same with the others...)~Jed grabs the World Heavyweight title in a ladder match. at Wrestlemania~
Where you make an impact! - Cross
~Cross hits a Buzzsaw kick to Poison. at Survivor of Cage~
Where anything can and will happen! - Rhamm
~Cyrus and Rhamm fall from into the glass and then the barbed wire neat. At Falling Summer~
Where X marks the spot! - Mr. X.
~Mr.X. hits a DDT on Justin. at Royal Rumble~
Where everything comes crashing down. - Cartwright
~Cyrus, Jed, and GBL fell from the apron. at King Of The Canvas~
Where anything can be solved with an elbow!
~GBL hit the Roaring Elbow on Mystic. at Place Your Bets~
~Let's watch on! - TJH~

2nd was shown backstage reading a paper. It was something he needed to announces. 2nd looked up and said the following.

"I have a few things to announce tonight, first off I'd like to announce that on October 3rd we will be having our annual Survivor of Cage Pay Per View. Headlining this Pay Per view will be a Cage Of Death match. However before I go on I'd like to recap the creation of Survivor of Cage. Survivor of Cage is a mixture of two pay per views we had here in World Wrestling Federation Guild. One of them was from when TNA was a part of this company, Lockdown. And the other was a pay per view WWFG has been know for, Survivor Series. Survivor of Cage debut in 2007 with the main events being a Cage of Death(Captain Fall)Smackdown v.s. TNA. Next year the main event was another Brand Supremacy Cage of Death Team Raw v.s. Team Smackdown. Then finally last year we had another Cage of Death for the Tag title belts. We here at World Wrestling Federation guild do not know everyone's opinion about Cage of Death, but we do know ratings, and we here at WWFG noticed that Survivor of Cage is one of our higher paying pay per views. We here at WWFG are not sure the reason why, but we like to believe that it is because of Cage Of Death. So I am here to announce that at this Survivor of Cage we will be bringing back survivor of the cage. Not only that but every match at Survivor of Cage will be in a steel cage match. "

2nd pause for a moment as he looked down at this piece of paper and began to say. As he said this video footage from past Lockdown, Survivor Series, and Survivor of Cage matches were shown.

"If you do not know the rules of Cage of Death here are the rules.

There will be 2 rings with the cage surrounding it, one ring (( The left ring of the camera side )) will have a table above it that's laying on the tops of the cage. It's steel so it can pretty much hold around 4000 pounds. In the rings are a bunch of weapons, whether it comes down to window panes, light tubes, chains, trash cans, tables, or chairs it can come up to you people of your imaginations, just nothing that kills people like a gun.

1 person from each team starts out in the match. So it will remain 1 on 1 until around page 3. After page 3 one person from either team will come out on a random drawing (( Random number situation )) and it will be 2 on 1 for some person in the match until page 5. Then another person will come out, and also a chance it could become 3 on 1, or 2 on 2, depends on the drawing. Page 7 another person comes out, and then the drawing and people coming out will be done by at least page 9 which is when everyone has already came out since there's 6 guys all together in the match.

Elimination occurs when someone hits the floor, whether it's through the door, which is as tall as the canvas to the second rope is, or over the top of the cage to the floor, which by the way most likely you're going to go through a table. Last team standing when 1 team is eliminated will be eliminated. "

2nd looked up and said.

"We here at WWFG do not know who will be in Cage of Death, but we do know that this match will be better than any other past Cage of Deaths. "

2nd paused before then saying.

"Next week Doug will be making his return to WWFG and will announce what he will do to Claire after she nearly ended his life!"

(Will edit later.)