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just one of my many dragon based stories i've been writing..

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oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:22 am
(This is still a work in progress soo some parts will be edited at different times...)

Chapter 1, The beginning...

Victor was born on a beautiful sunny day in the spring. His bright blue eyes and little blond curl swooned all the other mothers at his baby shower. Only once did he ever cry, and that was when he left his mother's womb, but simply to let her know he was alive and well. He was born in a small village outside the castle city limits, and soon, there wouldn't be many within the now growing village that would not come to know him.

From the start he was destined to become a great knight in the service of any king that would need him. As he grew into childhood, his parents tried their best at giving him all they could. A good education, and exercises to build his strengths. And though they tried hard to do right by him, he was simply grateful for their love. He was not selfish, but rather liked helping out around the village, unlike his older brother Anthony.

Anthony was three years older then his brother, and already had a strong intention of becoming a great knight. Their parents never showed favoritism, which he wished they would towards himself rather then Victor. Where Victor spent his time running about helping this villager or the next, he spent his time getting stronger. He couldn't be bothered with others. He had a plan and there wouldn't need to be another option. Being a brave knight, slaying dragons and rescuing princesses or beautiful damsels in distress was what he craved most for his future. And he would seek it out at any cost.

The boy's father seeing the traits and personalities of both children hoped that by making them play together would help Anthony's soon growing mean streak. He was delighted some years later seeing it had lessened, though was saddened that Anthony also had an effect on Victor as well.

By the time both had entered their teens the news rang down from the castle city. They were going to be at war with the things that were considered unnatural. Knights went about the kingdom posting news of enlisting for the school of knights and soldiers. When it finally arrived at their own village both boys were excited and rushed home to ask their parents to enter.

Though it would sadden them, their parents agreed and spent at least one more night as a family before packing the boys' things and sending them off. Victor turned as they began to leave seeing his mothers tears and went to her, giving a deep embrace. "Don't cry mother. You always knew this day would come. And We'll become great honorable knights, you'll see. And when we do, We will return to see you again." He would look to her smile and wipe the tears from her face gently before smiling himself, and run to rejoin his older brother.

Annalise was born on a cool fall day. Those of the village gathered round to see her and her twin brother Rydan. Both had the same pale skin and contrasting purple eyes. Each had a marking on their shoulders that when put together created a small circular flame. One half on Annalise's right shoulder, and the other half on Rydan's Left shoulder. The villagers and neighboring friend's all agreed the two were destined for greatness. None of the village clan had ever bore twins, nor any with the makings of power from their lore.

As the two grew to children, it was clear more then on the day they were born that they would be strong. Both showed great skills in magic though never realized just what they were doing. Because of this the elders of the clan gathered with the parents to decide the fate of the two. By then end of the meeting both parents were not happy though understood what had to be done. They chose delicately feeling out the thin threads of magic as to which child was to leave the clan with the eldest of the council, and which was to stay there with them and the clan. Though the choice was hard, the threads were loud. A storm was coming and the boy would be safer with the clan elder. Giving in they handed Rydan to the elder and watched as one of their babies was taken away. They knew in their hearts they would never see him again.

In the care of the elder, Rydan grew strong in his magic and ability. His shifting became quick and flawless as expected under the elder's tutoring. But as great as he was, he had become lost in his mind. Torn knowing what should be there to make a family, yet grateful for every minute shared in the elder's presence. And though his body took on many changes, his deep purple eyes remained.

As he became a teen in the human years his magic had already surpassed the elder's strength, though had also learned to keep it hidden. Only allowing it's bottled pressure to escape during storms other magic users had already created. It would be some time but eventually he and the elder would hear the news of wars coming and decided it was time to once more go into hiding as their clan had always done when death was coming for them.

He would turn looking up at the far off mountains feeling a longing that he always felt when looking to them but never allowed to travel. He knew there was something there for him, though was unsure what exactly it was. Rydan turned to see the elder as his claw rested upon his shoulder. "Come my son, it is time to steel away into the deepest of caverns in hopes that none find us. There is no more we can do until the time that the threads of magic say it is once more safe." Rydan would nod towards the elder's words and soon follow along deep into the caverns knowing none ever entered there.

Annalise grew up more beautiful as the days passed leading into her childhood. She enjoyed playing games with the mountain creatures that lived about their clan home. She especially loved the feeling of the wind when she would go out with her father on small hunting trips. As with Rydan, her own gifts of magic grew to near bursting limits. Something her parents quickly taught her to hide. It was one thing around other humans, but within their clan it had become necessary.

She learned quick that many things had changed since the day the first clan elder had left them. Things she had noticed growing up. Her parents, though happy and loving seemed always sad when they would look to her or catch glimpses of her birthmark. Something she could never get out of them as to why.

She grew up happy despite what she would hear or catch glimpses of. She had taken note of the current elder and his ways. Changing more and more and going farther then she had known the clan liked to. As years went by she found herself getting into more and more trouble with the others her age within the clan. She learned quick how to fight, and more important how to hide. Her sight gifted her an advantage allowing her to know when it was time for what action. And though she tried she had been outcast by those her own age of the clan.

Time again would go by and her routine of escaping to the fields and the far side of the mountain became more often. Her parents tried to get her ways to change though they did not know where to begin. As she grew into a teen she had her own ways and knew it would be different then that of the clan. The whispers in the threads of magic warned her. Had spoken of a white and shiny darkness coming, and new it was tied to their current elder though could not prove this.

When the first wave and news of war had reached the clan, she had been on the far side of the mountains, playing with the animals as she had all her life. It wasn't until she made it home that she would see the destruction. Knights in shining white armor, crested with the emblem of the neighboring kingdom. Her people scattered and dead in their various forms. She was now the last of the clan and it's ways save for the current elder who was nowhere to be found. Her heart broken as she came upon her home seeing her family, and a small grouping of dead knights about the cave. She vowed never to trust a knight knowing that the stories of them and creature killing had been true. That night she cried till the tears would come no more.

In the following morning she chose a form that would hide among the others. She stood at the pass that overlooked a field she tended to simply stare at most her life though was never allowed to travel. She felt a pull there, though didn't know what. Figuring this could be a trap she set out to the neighboring kingdom hoping to hide about its people. And when her time was right, strike them as they had done to her.


Victor sat in the tree overlooking the palace courtyard. A long piece of straw being toyed with by his teeth. His Blue eyes closed as he felt the slight breeze pass by ruffling his golden blond hair some as it did. He stretched his arms behind his head leaning against the tree trunk, his one leg stretched the length of one of the higher branches, the other leg simply dangling loosely.

"There you are Victor. Slacking off again are we?" Victor would open his eyes slowly to the new voice and smile. He looked town seeing the dark haired man standing an a newly polished white armor. "Do you ever get tired of polishing your suit?" He retorted, receiving a chuckle from the other. "Point taken. But as an honorable knight to the King, slacking off should never be an option. Unless you're waiting for something to happen, powers forbid." Victor sighed shaking his head softly before stretching and hopping down from the branch. His armor clanking lightly as he did and adjusted to stand before the other. Though he was a bit taller the deep blue eyes could rival his own. "Oh please Anthony. Are you really going to go there again? This kingdom is peaceful as ever. The dragon clans of the mountains, the monsters of the woods, and all the sirens of the lakes are quelled to near nothing. Now all that is left of us knights is to find a suitable upstanding fair maiden and settle down."

Anthony would laugh at his little brothers comments and shake his head. He placed his gloved hands gently on Victor's shoulders and looked to him. "You are still very much a dreamer aren't you little brother? But all fun and such aside, near is not the same as all. This kingdom and it's people will not be safe until every last one is driven off into extinction and stories of old. That is our king's wish, and it is our job to see it done." He said almost sternly. Though there had been a great lull in the wars his little brother seemed to be more and more relaxed with not fighting.

"You worry much big brother. I, however am still very much the fighter that surpassed you three years ago." He would laugh as did his brother and raise a brow as Anthony drew his sword. "We shall see then little brother how lax you have really become in your years." Anthony remarked and began his attack.

The two fought on until sunset would begin shining over the small courtyard. When the two fought it was never play. Both fighting as if still having something to prove though they were both among the highest, if not the highest ranked themselves. Their little war raged with each other until night fell and both would call it an evening. Both showing their own wounds though knew nothing was too serious that magic couldn't mend quick enough.

"You still fight well little brother. Surprisingly." Anthony said. He respected his younger brother though would wish him to take more initiative in furthering his rank and duties as he himself had done. "And yet you still lose to my sword." Victor said laughing lightly.

"Don't count yourself the winner too quickly Victor. That cockiness will get you in trouble some day and I may not be there to have your back when it does." Victor's laughter subsided a bit to his brothers comment and nodded knowing that he had only claimed the title the 'Victorious one' with Anthony's help. "Don't worry Anthony, I'll watch my back, just watch yours too." And with that they would bid each other good night and return to their homes within the city.

Victor's dreams that night were strange as if a siren had bewitched him. He saw a girl running away from a group of knights in darkened armor and cloth. He tried to reach her to help her but never could when he would finally get close enough. He watched as they cornered the girl and drew their swords. He couldn't help but fear for the girl. He looked to her as she seemed to see him for the first time. Her eyes a deep purple and her hair a long silky black in contrast to her almost pale skin. He looked to her lost in her eyes before fire erupted around her. He tried to reach out as she would scream. And in the swift move of the darkened knights the girl was no more. In the following moments he could feel himself waking, but not before he saw the odd marking on her right shoulder.

He woke in a sweat to hear banging on his door. It flew open to reveal one of the commanders of the knight's army. "Great Knight Victor Ornath, you and Lord Anthony Ornath are to report to the king. He has requested your presence as soon as possible." He stood from his bed after a moment and looked to the commander motioning his hand to signal the man to calm down. "Easy commander, what is the king asking to see us for?"

"There have been reports of knights from one of our neighboring kingdoms on the move. He fears the possibility of an attack." The commander said after taking a deep breath. He nodded putting on his shirt and grabbing his sword and armor. "Then tell his majesty that we will be in council shortly with him. Ready our men just in case. I want to be prepared should the king order us to the outlaying towns and villages."

"Yes Sir." And with that the commander was off to do as told while Victor finished getting his armor and sword. As he left his home he pulled his horse from the stall and rode quickly towards the castle meeting up with his brother along the way.

"I've had the commander rallying our troupes to be ready for the king's word just in case." Victor said as they rode into the castle outer walls and on to the maze of smaller buildings to reach the main castle. "Good, From how the one who rose me sounded, we may need to. If I'm right, its the kingdom of Aserith stirring trouble once more." The two didn't run but did walk quickly towards the main grand hall, though their movements would seem fluid. As they reached the doors to the hall they would pause awaiting their introduction. Once it was said they would enter and promptly bow a few feet from the throne and their king.

"My great knights, I have a task for you. The knights of Aserith are on the move towards some of our outskirt kingdoms and mean to battle. Our scouts have just informed me they have taken the village town of Perideit. We cannot allow them further to take what is ours." The king said. He stood before his thrown dawned in his battle armor. His dark hair and beard to match his almost steel colored eyes. His usual golden crown replaced by a gold circlet with a bright red gem in the center.

"Yes my lord, we have the troupes reading as we speak. It shall be done." Anthony said for them both. As good as Victor was and both knew, Anthony was still his commander and would obey the lines of respect.

"No. I wish a small group of Great knights lead by you both to take them out quickly and efficiently." The two, still lowered would exchange glances unsure of the request of their lord. "Forgive us my lord, but, we are still unaware of their numbers."

"I trust that your men will be enough for this task I'm setting forth. Now, go without delay." The stood heads still bowing yet nodding at the command. They would turn on their heels and begin leaving the room. As they did, they both would take note of the page rushing in and calling out. "My Lord, forgive the intrusion, but the package you have been awaiting has finally arrived." They paid little more mind of this knowing it was not of their business and went to gather their most trusted and strongest knights.

"This is going to be a rough one little brother. Lead honorably and bravely." Anthony said as their troupes were preparing to leave. Victor would nod looking to his older brother. "To you as well older brother. Be strong. We'll make it back from this I am sure." Victor said as they rode off to the outskirts of the city. Both now quiet save for words needed to lead the men to the upcoming battle. The dream Victor had had earlier nothing more then an afterthought.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:24 am
Rydan watched the skies as he and the elder flew. It had been so long since they had watched a shadow descend upon the mountains. He remembered asking the elder what it was and his only answer was 'the knights'. He looked down seeing something shiny over the rock face and called out to the elder. "I'm going down to see the lands here." And before the elder could stop him was swooping down for a better look. It had been many years though could still feel the sadness watching the shadow take over this area.

He moved about the overgrowth seeing what looked like huts and various caves. He would stop at one of the areas and look to the bones. Some covered in a strange white and gray metal. Human from what he could tell, but there were also two mounds with small pieces of wood atop them. He felt the sadness returning as he looked to them but felt confused as to why. It was clear that someone was buried here, though why would someone simply bury these distinct two over all the other halflings and knights scattered all over this side of the mountain range. He turned feeling the slight breeze and motion the ground made to signal the landing of the elder.

Rydan watched as the elder walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder. "I do not understand. Was this the darkness the threads had warned us of? Who were they?" Rydan asked. He watched as the elder knelt down beside him bowing his head and touching each mound lightly. "This used to be our clan Rydan. The threads of magic said dark times would come. Though I'm not sure I understand the deception with the armor." Rydan looked about noticing what was left of a spell over the armor fading. "So that's why the armor of the fallen knights seemed to be blending colors. Perhaps they wanted others that may pass by to think it was knights of a different kingdom?"

"There is much about human politics you have yet to learn my young Rydan. But now is a time for mourning. More for you then myself." The elder said as he calmly rose and began moving about. "When you are done I will require your assistance to let all these souls rest in peace, both the fallen clan and that of these knights." Rydan looked to the elder confused. "But elder why should we show them respect for what they've done to our clan?"

"You will soon learn, that knights, are simple men who follow the orders of their Lords and Kings. Not many have the will or care to question or speak against such things. They merely follow the orders given. If you wish anger, first you must find out all the facts of the situation." Rydan nodded looking back to the mounds before him. He often forgot his place around the elder, though learning that this was once their clan, and this being their end seemed to fill him with endless questions. And answers seemed to only create more questions. "Elder, what is special with these two. Why would someone care to give them a proper burial, and not the others?"

"Young Rydan, I wish I knew. I can only feel the remnants of the clan. Someone who survived loved those two dearly. A survivor possibly, and guessing as such, they may not have had the luxury of time to do so that we do. The color of the dirt suggests that the two were buried shortly after this all took place. The one who did so may have feared a second or so round of knights." The elder said. He changed once more to a truer form and began digging with his claws into the ground. "That makes more sense but not why you suggest that I take a moment to morn for them." Rydan turned to see the elder pause and look to him. He could see a sadness trying to come forward, though knew the elder's composure would never allow it to.

"Because Rydan, those are the graves of your parents." The words filtered in his mind though he was sure he had misheard them. "But my family is dead. Why else would only you raise me and not my own blood?"

"I am not mistaken Rydan. It was the plan of the council that I take you and raise you as my own, safely away from the clan." The elder said. He knew the day of truth would come, he had hoped that it wouldn't be like this, but rather with the clan alive to welcome them home.

"Why would you do that? What was wrong with me that I had to be singled out all my life? Why would the magic not tell me any of this?" Rydan said. He stood looking to the elder ready to change form once more in his anger. Though he wasn't sure he could hold his current form given the elder's calmness on the subject.

"Because you were not listening for it. You may very well have felt them and others. I am more then positive that you have seeing how you would stare at these mountains. But even the magic knew you were to stay hidden."

"But why Elder? What is wrong with me?" Rydan watched as the elder moved as if in a blink to stand at full height before him. He wasn't scared, though had to admit he had never seen the elder move in such a way before. "There is nothing wrong with you young Rydan. Do not ever think of such. You are a gift to the realm of magics, and us of the clan." The elder for a moment held a softer expression as he lowered himself and changed to seem human as Rydan was. His hands resting upon Rydan's shoulders. "We did this to keep you and us safe. The threads of magic warned a war was coming. If you were to stay you would have been destroyed. And still could if any had found out about your particular gifts. They chose me to raise you in all my wisdom of ages that so one day you too would be a great leader for the clan."

Rydan nodded looking away but was thankful. At least he knew the truth now. He looked to the mounds and like all answers, more questions in his mind rose. He noted a marking very similar to the birthmark on his left shoulder and looked back to the elder. "I think of you as my parent elder. But more questions have risen. You had mentioned of someone caring for them closely enough to do this for them. They put a marking like my birthmark on the boards. I wish to seek this person out. Maybe they can tell me of my birth parents. And maybe tell me why they chose that marking over all others." The elder chuckled and changed once more and turned back to his previous chore of digging. "Perhaps I will assist you then. The world out there is a dangerous place. But first my boy, let's allow these people to rest in peace finally shall we?" Rydan nodded changing to the form of the elder and began helping to dig the graves.

It would take till the later part of the night before all had a grave, but only those of the clan had names to them, unless by strange ways a knight had a name on their armor. The two would sit looking at the stars as the elder began telling the stories of before he had left the clan. Rydan held onto every one picturing them in his mind. He laid back looking to the stars above closing his eyes with a soft sigh and taking in the cool night air. "I wish I could have seen it. It must have been something."

"That it was. Though for as enchanting as it was, we still had to be careful and hide what we are. In the world of humans you must never let them know your true self." Rydan nodded though continued to let his mind drift to thoughts of the upcoming adventure. He wondered who this person that knew his family was and what they could tell him of them. His thoughts kept him content until he was fast asleep.

Rydan woke hearing the faint sounds of horses and opened his eyes to the dim light around him. He turned looking to the man recognizing the elder and nodded his morning greeting and shifted to look human as well. He would soon stand brushing grass from his body and moved to mount one of the horses. "Morning elder."

"Morning Rydan. Are you sure you wish to take this quest? We do not know where this person has gone, nor whom or what they were. Or even what they look like." The elder said though Rydan thought his tone more of a jovial though still serious tone. He nodded and moved the horse closer to that of the one the elder was upon. "I am sure about this. I feel that I have to and that soon they may need our help. I also feel I will know the one we're looking for when I see them."

"Oh you will will you?" The elder said before starting the ride. Rydan simply chuckled following at his heels. "You sometimes forget Elder, I do have my ways with things of magic."

"That you do dear lad. That you do. But you too must remember that where we travel, magic cannot be used for fear of the humans finding out. Their wars are still strongly backed by the fears of anything unknown or stronger then they themselves are." Rydan took the elder's words of caution to heart as he always did but had the feeling their secret was already out to the world of humans. He just didn't wish to spook the elder if he had not felt this yet.

The two would ride long and hard about the mountains. Both having forgotten just how long it took for humans, and even horses to travel the length of the mountains. Rydan kept a look over the area following a very faint trail within the magic. As if one of the magic threads themselves were tied to the one they sought. He kept his hopes high knowing he shouldn't but simply could not help it. He had just learned truths about his past. And knowing there was one alive that could tell him more was more then enough to keep his spirits up.

He did however try to hide his enthusiasm from the elder knowing he may disapprove of these feelings. Each night they took rest he would dream of what this person looked like. The image getting clearer and clearer with the passing nights. He listened to the magic hearing subtle hints. He knew after some time it had to be a woman. She would be tied to his birthmark as well somehow and possibly close to his age. Though every time he tried to see her the vision would change to that of soldiers in dark armor like those that had killed his clan.

The the dreams became more and more disturbing as the nights passed. They had seemed to shift from a clearing vision of the possible woman to things these dark soldiers were doing or planning. Soon even visions of white knights fighting with those of the dark armor. He woke sharply one night almost changing form but was able to hold it as he regained his bearings of where he was. He turned seeing the elder looking to him with a raised brow. "And what has been troubling you for the pas nights young one?"

Rydan shook his head standing and pulling a sweater over his bare chest. "I've been trying to see what the one we're looking for looks like. I know it's a woman, and that she's tied to my birthmark, even possibly close to my age. But every time I try to see her I see the dark knights that killed our clan, and lately they're always fighting the white ones they pretended to be. I don't understand it. Why can't I see the person we're looking for?" He kicked a rock watching as it bounced off a tree and fell to the ground. When he noted the silence around them he looked towards the elder. "Usually this is where you tell me something I need to hear."

"That is true. This normally would be that time. But this is something you should be able to figure out Rydan." The elder said finally. Rydan scowled inwardly, though knew he was right. The elder always was. He didn't get how he should already know the answers to this question. He mulled it over, playing the scenario of how his dreams travel again and again and still did not understand. He looked to the elder in the darkness. The elder simply sighed and looked to the stars above them. "Do not think of it so harshly. The easiest explanations are often the most correct ones. Think of it in this term, based on what you told me. You get a feeling of this person. Yet when you try to see them, the dream shows you knights instead."

"So, you're saying that these knights could be tied to this person or could be effecting them?" He watched the elder smile then move to lay down to once more sleep. Rydan watched him for a moment in disbelief. How did the elder always seem to do that to him. He sighed laying back in the grass and looked to the sky. He toyed with the idea that the one they sought was tied somehow to the knights of both light and dark armors, but wasn't sure how. He did hope that it wasn't, as unlikely as it seemed, that they were why the darker knights had killed their clan. He kept to his thoughts as sleep would take him once more.


Annalise walked about the streets of Perideit seeing the bustle of the people. She had found her own niche within the crowds working as a handmaiden to the current Lady of the land. It was simple enough work, though she dealt with more of the town knights then she had cared to. She made only one friend since her arrival and job beginning. To most she had kept to herself gaining the nickname 'Mouse' among the other staff. She looked to the sun rising knowing she had to get the food she had bought for the Lord's chefs before breakfast. Eating times seemed to come often for the Lord and Lady of Perideit. Sometimes it made her sick to see how they ate knowing there were some in the streets begging for even a bit of the food they toss aside.

She soon would make her way past the guards and down the stairs and halls to the main kitchen. "Mouse, you're late again. I hope you don't get caught in your little feedings." She nodded towards the chef as he spoke out and took the groceries from her. She would then turn and assist him in putting them away, save for what he needed to make for the next meal. "Those children enjoy it and are thankful for it." She replied after a time. She looked to the chef as he nodded towards the stairs and knew she had to rush now to assist the Lady in her morning routines.

Annalise rushed up the stairs though maintained her human speed. Something she had gotten good at was hiding under their noses. None suspected her of magic, lest of what she could do, or that she wasn't even considered human. That knowledge alone made her smile at times. Though since her start in this country she was saddened. In the few years of her time here and searching the truths of the wars, there had never been any mention of the attack to her clan. There were plenty on those of magical creatures and such, but nothing anywhere remotely near her homelands. Which frustrated her immensely.

"Ah Mouse there you are. What was keeping you?" The Lady asked as she had entered the room finally. Annalise simply curtsied slightly then went to work pulling a garment from the Lady's closet for the morning. Then placed two more on the bed, one for mid-day, the other for the evening. One thing she thought silly is the Lady's approval and awe at how she always knew just what the Lady should like to wear at any point. There were even times when the lady would wake expecting to trick her wanting four outfits rather then three, only to see that her Mouse had already pulled out four garments. "Ah, a perfect color for the evening. How do you do it Mouse?"

"I've worked for you for several years. It is natural now my Lady." Annalise responded. She gave up asking that she not be called mouse and simply accepted it. The Lord and Lady were not bad people that she had seen. For the most part the scuttle about the streets is that they were rather well liked about the people. The Lord and Lady were not often mean either. She figured if she were to live with these humans, at least it wouldn't be as bad as it could have been in another town or city of this kingdom.

She assisted the Lady into her first gown of blue and gold trimmings. She could never get over how fancy the things she and her husband wore. She was happy wearing her simple tunics, though on rare occasion had dresses the Lady had them all wear to be presentable before other Lords and Ladies. Once The Lady was in proper order of dress and jewels, she would follow her around where ever she went getting this thing or that as requested. This was how her days went, and shortly after starting this job, began to think this would be the rest of her life.

At the end of the day she would see the Lady to her bed and clean what she could before returning to her quarters. She was thankful at the room given. It wasn't big, but just big enough for her to change if she wished. She also had a nice view of the mountains and a balcony to stare at them from. She went to the balcony as she did every night once her duties ended and stared at the outline in the evening sky.

This night seemed different. The threads of magic kept nagging at Annalise most of the day. And only seemed to grow louder in the only peaceful time she gave herself before resting. She sighed turning from the balcony and closing the doors behind her. She made sure every door for her room was locked before looking at the threads of magic. Danger seemed to be around the corner, though it wasn't speaking of just her own well being but others. She tried to question the threads, though no answers came other then the voice in her mind saying 'They are coming'.

She had been growing tired of the threads speaking and hinting in riddles as of late but would ponder the words in her mind. It was more then what she had been reading for some time. She yawned feeling tired from the day's errands and hand waiting. She moved to the bed deciding against her true form of sleep. The warnings from the magic threads were enough to make her more cautious then usual.

The Lord and Lady calling out would wake her from her restless slumber. As she realized they were calling and yelling she rose quickly to her feet pulling a bathrobe over her green nightgown. She rushed up the short stairs to her Lady's room and assisted her in whatever she desired. Something had them riled but didn't know what it could have been. "Mouse, I need you to warn the staff. Everyone is to be on alert until the Great Knights arrive from the King's castle." She looked to her blankly a moment in curiosity of why everyone would have to be put on alert. "I will see it done my Lady, but why such alarm if I may ask?"

"There is a grouping of knights from the kingdom of Aserith outside our town walls. We were alerted when one of our scouts never returned. Now please go and let the staff know." Annalise nodded and did as she was told rushing about the various halls and speaking to any staff she may have encountered. She had to stop at one point and take a breath. "Mouse, goodness you seem to be in a hurry, much like everyone else here." She looked to the owner of the voice to see the only human she could care about. "Mirian, I was told by our Lady that there's a force of knights from Aserith outside the town walls." She said once she had fully regained her breath.

"Well, yeah that would explain it. Do you suppose they'll be able to break our defenses?" Mirian asked her worriedly. Annalise just shook her head with a shrug of her shoulders. "To be honest, I am not sure. But our Lady says the King is sending his Great knights, so perhaps they will reach our town in time to stop them." She doubted her words greatly, though the look of her friend suggested she needed something hopeful to look forward to. She placed a hand gently on her friend's shoulders in comfort. "They will reach us. Do not worry okay?" She watched her friend smile before rushing off to do her new chores. Annalise looked to her feeling a twinge in the magic and knew the full truth to her words. She knew they wouldn't reach the town before they were overrun.

Annalise turned on her heels and continued her own new orders in warning the rest of the staff. Once finished she promptly returned to her Lady in the Great Hall of the mansion. She waited seeing Mirian by the chefs being one of their assistants. She felt the twinge in the threads of magic but would ignore them as the doors flew open to reveal a knight in dark armor, escorted by two of the outer wall guards.

"Why have you come to this town in such force? Our kingdoms have shared a peace for many ages." The Lord spoke out when the knight knelt. There was silence for a time before the knight would finally speak in a deep voice and tone that gave Annalise chills along her spine. "Lord Arrignor, we are seeking one of your towns people. We were told that one of two was located here by our oracle."

"I do not understand. You feel the need to invade to seek this person? Who are they?" Lord Arrignor called out to the knight before him. The knight only shook his head and removed his helm to look the Lord in the eyes. "We know not which person it is. All we know is that it is a female with a birthmark on their shoulder. Our king seeks her and another like her." Annalise stopped all thought. Could they really be referring to her? It was almost too much of a coincidence to think lightly of it. But that led her mind to another question. There was another like her? How could that be possible.

Annalise would bring her mind back to focus on the knight before her as he seemed to look over all of the room before standing. "Due to the nature of the one we seek, we shall take this kingdom. You will have it returned possibly by our King should we find the one we seek. Until then, you have until the evening to prepare for battle, though it will do you no good." The chill returned as she felt the pulling of the magic threads and knew then that this was the danger they spoke of.

With the leaving of the knight the Lord and Lady were silent, unlike the servants about the room. She glanced over at her friend who seemed scared but with another expression she couldn't define mixed into it. After a short time the Lord and Lady would call their generals to meet and all servants were shushed from the room to rejoin with their daily and nightly activities. "Mouse, are you okay?" She turned hearing Mirian beside her and nodded as if nothing was wrong. "I am fine, why would I not be?"

"Because what they described sounds an awful lot like you, you know?" She blinked a few times at her friend before giving her a clueless expression. "What are you talking about Miran?"

"I'm talking about this Annalise." She tried to move as Miran moved away a bit of her sleeve to show her birthmark. Annalise quickly pushed it back and motioned her friend away from the others. When she was sure none would hear or interrupt she looked to her friend. "How did you know of this? I know I've never shown it to anyone."

"You didn't. I saw it a few years back after you had just started working here. You had cut your dress on something in the fields and were trying to hide it, but I caught a glimpse of it." She looked to her friend worried a moment of her safety. "Mirian, knowing this puts you in possible danger. You realize that right? Have you told anyone else of this?" She watched her friend shake her head to the last question and breathed an inward sigh. She knew if these knights were looking for girl's with birthmarks on their shoulders, then anyone even knowing of them would be in just as much danger or more. "I've never told anyone of it. I mean I thought to ask you about it of course, but the time never came."

Annalise looked sternly to her friend before sighing once more. "It is all right. But speak to no one of this, and don't you dare pull something. I know you well enough Mirian to know you may try and throw them off." She heard a chuckle from her friend and watched as her expression changed to one of innocence. "Now would I really do something like that?" The tone was sarcastic, but the threads of magic told her she was planning something already. "Yes you would. Shall I recall all the times I've caught you do such for others? Just promise me you will stay away from those knights. Obviously should things happen, within reason." She watched her friend nod with some reluctance and felt sad a moment if her friend were to go back on it. She knew it could mean death for the girl.

She thought in her mind of how attached to this human she had become, when she had sworn many times she would not care about any of the human race. She watched as Mirian went about her way knowing she herself had chores that needed to be done. The knights outside the town walls made her nervous. She did however count her job here a blessing as she had many times. It tended to always give her a heads up or access to the knowledge she sought when the doors would have been closed to her otherwise.

The morning would come with impatience as the Lord and Lady's staff were on edge and fear. She did her best to forget the knights but knew at first sign of an attack that she would have to hide away. She wondered how bad things would get and how soon the King's knights would reach them. She hated having to rely on knights in any form, be it ones to attack, or ones that were supposed to be helping and defending. Humans relied on them too much she decided.

Throughout the day she shuffled around as ordered by her Lady. Asking people to go this way and that into designated bunkers or to the lines for the battle to come. Still by mid-day it was clear that the King's knights had yet to arrive and more then likely would not make it in time as the knight of Aserith had mentioned before. She kept to her thoughts soon seeing Mirian rushing about oddly for a moment. She went to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and hearing a low yelp from her friend. She removed her hand quickly and gave a questioning look to her. "Mouse, it's you."

"Of course it is me. Have you hurt your shoulder? I did not think I had tapped it that hard to cause you pain?" She replied seeing the look of avoidance over her friend's face. She shook her head and looked to her sternly before reaching out and moving her sleeve to reveal a tattoo looking almost like her own. She scowled letting her friend go and turned away, only to look back at her. "Mirian! I told you not to do anything. How could you do this to yourself. You don't know what they want with someone like me?" She looked to her angry but more concerned. "What if they've come to kill the person they're looking for? Or to torture them?" She watched as her friend ran the idea through her mind. She sighed looking to her taking her friend in a hug. "Miran, you don't understand the risk you've just taken. Why did you do this?" Mirian returned the hug but would pull back and look to her. "Because you're my best friend, my only friend really. I thought, well, I thought that if there was more then one girl with shoulder markings, that they would have to take us together. Least then, maybe we could plan an escape or something." She looked to her friend thoughtfully. She had underestimated her friend. She turned her head to view the town walls from the window. "Then my friend stay close to me. This will not be easy, nor safe by any means. Prepare to be hurt and beaten, even tortured. Do not give them any information, and say you were born with it."

"Are you sure that would work? I mean the ink is still fresh." Annalise nodded looking back to her friend. "Just say that when you heard their knight speak on who they sought you tried to cover it, but it would not stay hidden." She gave a faint smile and motioned for her friend to follow her. "Now Mirian, stay at my side from now until the battle. If the Lord or Lady ask allow me to do the talking. Do not leave my sight." Mirian nodded though Annalise could see her fears now showing. "Mouse, you talk like you've seen battle before. Is that why you talk to no one else?" She nodded to her comments though would not divulge where that knowledge came from.

Mirian had done as Annalise asked. She had been a good shadow but the time would eventually come for battle as the sun set over the trees. The sounds of fighting loud and they took shelter with others of the mansion. She stayed close keeping her friend as calm and as prepared as she could until the time the knights of Aserith had broken through the walls of the town and flooded the city. The sounds of people fighting, horses, and people dieing rang loud everywhere about the town.

Soon the banging came upon the door leading to where their group had been hiding. The few guards had fought bravely, as did some people as the knights would break through and swarm the room. She would try her best to fend them away from her and Mirian but there were too many for this form of hers. She fought one knight back only to hear Mirian yell and turned to see another knight taking her away. "No, Let her go!" As she turned to attack the one that was taking her friend, another had managed to sneak up and tackle her to the ground.

She would struggle with the knight until there was no use to do so anymore. Her friend taken and now these knights everywhere. She cursed each she saw in hopes that her friend were still alive. The knight that held her brought her before what she assumed was one of his commanders. The knight before her would look her over a moment before moving and ripping her tunic to see her birthmark. "Take this one with the others. We'll judge which is the one we seek when they are all gathered." She made a mental note of the Knights about just in case. She had already begun to create escape plans for her and Mirian.

She had been tossed into a circle of knights with three other women, one of them being Mirian. She smiled lightly moving close to her friend knowing her ideas may not go over with her friend very well. "Mouse, what are they going to do with us?" She heard the whisper from her friend and put a hand gently on her arm. "I don't know, but no matter what stay close to me." As she spoke some knights entered the circle and began taking one woman at a time till they were all held by a knight in line. She looked to her friend seeing her a person or two away. The pull of the magic threads telling her to run fast. She knew then this would not end well.

A larger man entered with an older woman at his arm and watched as the two looked over them. The older woman pointed to the girl being held between herself and her friend, uttering a simple word. "No." As she spoke the knight behind her drew his sword and ran the girl through. She struggled seeing the old woman pointing down the line and knew she had to get her friend out now.

"Mirian!" She felt the pull of magic, feeling the urgency and tried her best to break the grip of the knight holding her. As she managed to do so she was too late. She watched unable to reach her in time as the blade ran her through. For a moment she saw fear in her friend, then a look like she was almost at peace. She screamed seeing another she cared for taken away by a knight. "That one." She turned hearing the old woman and seeing her pointing towards herself. She growled angrily controlling her form so not to change before them. "You will pay for what you have done here." She said angrily.

As one of the knights grabbed her arm, she looked to him shaking her head. With a simple move she tossed him aside and grabbed his sword in the process. She knew it would be a hard fight but would rather die then be caught by them. "Stop her! We need that one alive!" She heard the leader calling. She threw the sword towards his head, and if it were not for the old woman moving him, she would have stricken him. She took off down the pathways and alleys of the town towards the walls that had fallen. She wasn't going to let them have her.

She smiled slightly knowing what she was boosted her speed and strength, even in this human form. She kept running through the town and out seeing knights on horseback trying to catch her. It didn't matter to her she knew where to take them. The threads of magic leading her to where she could show a little bit of what she could do without prying eyes.

She jumped about here and there over branches and fallen trees until she cleared them and found a rock face blocking her path. Here she decided is where her stand was to be. She turned facing them, her purple eyes glowing slightly with a piercing gaze as the knights dismounted their horses and encircled her. "Now my lady, you will return with us."  

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

30,100 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Window Shopper 100
  • Dressed Up 200

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

30,100 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Window Shopper 100
  • Dressed Up 200
PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:25 am
Victor Rode cautiously alongside his brother Anthony. They weren't sure what they were about to face, but had to trust in their King's judgment. They stopped only in short breaks along the long trip to Perideit. He loved this kingdom and the freedoms it granted it's people. There were rules, but was thankful very few ever tried to break them. At one stop he dismounted knowing they were closer now. The evening sky gave a slight chill in the air. "You figure just past that field and hillside?" He asked Anthony as he had dismounted as well. He looked towards him as he secured his gear to see his brother nod though knew this would be the start of his silent time.

He knew his brother liked to plan things before they happened. As many steps ahead as he could for anything he could foresee. Which is why he was the commander of the great knights, and himself was his first in command to him. "I'll be just past those trees. Need to train and loosen up a bit before we get head deep in Aserith knights." Again his brother would nod. He smiled sheepishly drawing his sword and heading off a bit out of sight. He was sure his brother knew that if trouble came, he would call if help was needed.

He walked a bit into the field and began his routine. Sword motions came easily, almost naturally to him. A few sessions in he could hear faint voices just ahead. He moved towards the sounds to get a better idea of what it was for. And that is when he saw it. A group of Aserith knights chasing a dark haired woman through the fields to some hills just off the way. He looked to her until they went past one hill, only to reappear later and run past some trees. He turned on his heels towards his horse and mounting it.

"Victor what's wrong?" He would turn seeing his brother Anthony and shook his head. "Not sure brother, but, something I thought merely a dream seems to possibly be coming true. I will return stay with the men, I'll call as usual should I need assistance." And with that he kicked at the horse to get it moving and headed off in the direction of the woman and the knights. He rode fast trying to cover ground that didn't seem natural until he came across the scene of a woman surrounded by knights of Aserith. He stayed on his horse and charged as they were about to grab her. He took on three until they managed to knock him from his horse. He struggled surprised they had been able to do so. He looked to the armor markings and understood seeing the highest of ranks. As they tackled and pinned him to the ground he could see the woman fighting. This time he got a good look at her. Slender, though apparently tough from how she fought. Raven black hair, and Purple eyes. It was the girl of his dreams, it had to be. He watched as she fought off as many as she could, until suddenly she would stop outstretching her hands before them. Something in her expression told him something big was possibly to happen. He watched almost helplessly as they charged her, and then as they burst into flames.

The men screamed from the fire as the others not effected charged the girl. He called out moving to get the better of the ones holding him. Once he had he did his best to reach her. As he went through most of them he had barely made it time to stop the one about to run her through. Once all were finally dispatched, he stood before her seeing her defiant stance and knew this would be awkward. "My lady you do not have to fear me. Are you a citizen of Perideit?" He would watch as she seemed to look him over but could tell she may not trust him.

Annalise fought hard as the knights had her cornered. She paid little attention to the knight in white armor since he was holding some off. As they went for her she had managed to get a sword away from one of them and did her best trying not to change. She watched them overrun the white knight and kept on fighting till the sword had been knocked from her hands. She cursed looking to each a moment. As the first three rushed her she pushed her energy out creating a flame. As those ran off in fire she would look to the others getting her bearings in the battle once more. When she saw no more she turned quickly sensing another only to see the white knight had already run him through. She stood there debating if she should simply kill him or let him live. She knew he had seen her flame, and magic was not something she wished to share the knowledge of with anyone. "It would depend on why you are asking." Her tone was harsh, and her mood worse. The image of her only human friend still burned into her mind.

Victor looked to her seeing places torn at her dress and knew she could be wounded. "I am asking because I am part of a group sent to help the town with the impending invasion from these Aserith knights." He took a step towards her bot stopped seeing she had stepped back. "Please, My lady, if you are wounded, we have supplies that can help."

"Go and help yourself. The knights of Aserith have already overrun Perideit. I hope you brought an army, because they did." Annalise said harshly she hated knights but had to keep her cool. She had already guessed from his comment that he was of the King's men that were supposed to arrive by mid day. "If you are who you say then get going and stop them already. There are innocent people being killed for no reason there."

Victor looked to her but could tell she was in no mood to be helped. He would bow respectfully and mount his horse once more. He strode a bit before her and leaned his hand down for her to take if she wished. "Come, we could always use an extra set of eyes." He wondered if she would take his hand. He didn't want to lose this chance.

She looked to him feeling a pull in the magic threads but shook her head no and stepped back. "There is nothing there for me anymore. Just go help the ones that are left." She bit her tongue refraining from being too harsh. She hated all knights, even ones trying to help. She looked to him waiting for him to leave hoping he wouldn't delay any longer.

He looked to her sad, though hid the expression. He truly wished to know more about her. "Very well then My lady. I will get the others and help Perideit. Please, do me one favor and remain hidden here, safe away from battle. I would very much like to see you once more." He would bow as graciously as one could in full armor and sitting on a horse before charging off back to his men and brother.*

It took a short time by horse to reach them. As he saw them he went straight to his brother Anthony and relayed what the Woman had told him of Perideit's state and the possible amount of force they were to face. The two formulated plans of attack based on what facts they had.

Soon after finalizing plans and relaying the news to the other great knights they would begin their charge to the town. When they reached the city however it had already been burned to the ground. It was clear this was not a simple attack as all thought it could have been. Victor glanced at his brother feeling helpless for the first time in a long time since becoming a great knight for the king.

That's when the knights of Aserith struck. Flanking them on either side were more then they thought should have been there. The two fought bravely and hard beside each other before they would have to call a retreat, though there were too few left by the time they started to get away. And in the end only himself and his brother Anthony managed to escape the knights of Aserith. They had fought them before but both agreed that they were never this strong in force.

As they traveled back that questioned what had happened. The plan of theirs was solid, though it would seem the information given to them by their king was not. Victor tried to wrap his mind over this loss but kept drifting back to the woman with the purple eyes. "We have to find that woman and bring her back with us to tell our king."

"Why would we need a woman? and what woman again?" Anthony said as they both would pause for a brief moment. He worried of his brother from time to time thinking is head always within the clouds he stared at so often. "The woman the knights of Aserith had been chasing through the fields. Perhaps she knows why or what happened here in Perideit." Victor said.

"I would think that it was very clear what has happened here little brother."

"Stop Anthony. I'm going to find her and bring her back. Go on ahead if you want to. I'll catch up once I've found her. A survivor is still worth helping." He kicked at the horse to start a full run back to where he had seen her last. He knew his brother wouldn't understand. It was more then her being a survivor though to him. She was the girl from his dreams, something stories and legends spoke of. And a chance like that again he couldn't wait for.

He tracked his steps to where he had helped the woman though she was nowhere to be found. He dismounted looking around finding only a very faint trail and headed off. He had to find her. If he showed up after his brother before the King, and without her, then his word would not be as honored as it currently was. As he tracked her his mind began to wander of her. So far his dream had come true, but he stopped her ending. He wondered if she also had the marking on her as in his dream. Something he was finding himself very eager to find out.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:10 pm
Annalise had watched the knight take off but already knew it was too late for the town, and possibly him and his men. There was no point to stay. She took off running fast knowing non would be able to track her once it rained. She could feel the threads of magic pulling her back towards the knight but refused, convincing herself he was dead.

As she traveled she would take stops here and there for rest. Her mind wandering and coming to more questions of what the other king could want with her. It puzzled her knowing the only special thing about her was that she was not human, and she refused to be even considered as an animal sacrifice.

Morning finally seemed to come though she was too tired from running to care. She looked about her surroundings finding a field of corn and other goods and went into it. She found a spot well from where she had been and cleared an area before moving to lay down on the ground. She was so exhausted, she didn't even realize she had drifted to sleep.

As she slept her mind raced between two men. One that seemed to have marking on their shoulder like hers, though his appearance other then the marking was always blurred. And when she tried to clear the vision it shifted to the knights of Aserith. When she would see the knight from her own kingdom it was strange. It was like she knew more of him then she really had and saw herself traveling with him as if voluntarily.

Between the two dreams she had become completely confused. There was magic about both, but why would it pull her to each of them? Was something coming where she may actually need them? She wasn't sure but each variation of the visions made her uneasy and nauseous. She felt her stomach lurch and woke quickly. She turned throwing up barely missing herself in the process. She had never done this before and felt warmer then she knew she should. What was happening to her now? She cursed and wondered what her friend would have thought the problem was. She then teared at the thought of Marian knowing she could ask her friend nothing more. "I miss you friend. Please forgive me for not being quick enough to save you."

After a time, when she thought that she was settled enough to move again, she started traveling again. She could feel a pull towards her home and was curious. It was odd that home would be pulling her back when none had lived there in so long. She started for that direction hoping this wasn't going to be a trick. Least not till she felt sick to her stomach once again and collapsed where she stood.


Rydan woke feeling strange. The pull was stronger now for the one he was seeking. He knew it, he could almost feel their presence. His excitement grew knowing they were only so far away and possibly within reach. He also couldn't explain the feeling he would know the person right away. He motioned to stand seeing the elder looking to the hills ahead of them. He walked over standing beside him looking in the direction. He could sense something wrong with the Elder but didn't know what it could be. "Elder what is it you see?"

He watched as the elder shook his head and turned away walking in the opposite direction he knew they should go to find the one they seek. "Elder, that's the wrong way."

"I know it is Rydan. But trouble lies in wait for us beyond those hills. We shall take another route." Rydan watched as the elder paused from walking before looking back with a solemn expression. "I stand corrected, they are surrounding us." He looked about though saw no one.

"Elder, are you feeling well? There is none near us." The elder began walking once more the way he wished to head saying no more. He knew the elder had much more advanced senses of things but wondered a moment if he was loosing his mind. They would walk through most of the morning until coming across what seemed like a gray mass coming in their direction. Rydan strained and boosted his sight seeing men in white armor. He wondered what was going on and if they could avoid them. "I know what you're thinking, but we cannot. They are looking for us says the magic threads." The elder said abruptly bringing him from his thoughts. He nodded and tried to think of what to do. He looked through the threads of magic around them but nothing other then get taken by them was an option. "Even the magic cannot help us it seems elder. What should we do? You said before that we are to remain as humans, and not our true forms."

"I did say that, and meant it full well. What ever happens young one, I will always be with you in heart. And I will also try to find you and the one we seek." Rydan looked to the elder puzzled. He wondered for a time if he had more gifts in the magic realm then he had let on all his life.

Eventually the gray mass would become more defined as they drew closer and surrounded the two once spotted. He took a defensive poise just in case it was a fight they wished seeing the same motions from the elder as well. He looked to each in turn then to some as they moved closer. He was prepared though just in case they tried to attack them.

"We are looking for one person that is supposed to be traveling along these plains. You both seem to fit this description, but only one thing will tell us for sure. Please show us your shoulders." One of the knights said. Rydan thought it odd and looked to the elder who shook his head. "Remember my words Rydan, and stay true to yourself no matter what." The elder said quietly. Rydan turned shaking his head and wondering what they would do since they refused.

After moments of waiting the knight before them shrugged and motioned towards his men. "We tried to do this an easy way, but now we have little choice take them." As his sentence finished the knights swarmed the two, and though they fought hard, were simply outnumbered with little moving room.

Rydan struggled still trying to fight them as they removed his shirt revealing the birthmark on his left shoulder. "We have the one we want, leave the old man." One of the knights said. He couldn't think as he began to worry of the elder and what they may have done or were going to do to him. He continued trying to fight back even as they threw him into what seemed like a large wooden crate, just big enough for him to stand in. As they locked him in he began yelling and banging on the doors for the elder, though no answer would come from him. "Elder! What have you done to him?! Elder Answer Me!"

It would seem like hours had gone by before he would finally calm and stop yelling. And even longer before he stopped trying to break the wood. "Keep your cool Rydan, don't change, never let them see." He told himself, though fighting the urges was growing harder the longer he was within the box.

He leaned against one side of his small prison and closed his eyes listening to the sound of the hooves and the ground beneath them. Gravel to sand, to more gravel then finally pavement. He wondered what someone would want with a marking on someone's shoulder, then remembered his dream when trying to see the one he was searching for.

"This is one of the ones the king had been searching for. See to it his majesty knows the package he had been awaiting has arrived." Said the voice he had heard from one of the knights previously, though it was somewhat muffled by the walls around him. He wondered still why they chose him, was there more to his birthmark then the elder let on? Surely the elder would be more use to a king over himself yet he was not the one they wanted.

Rydan heard movement about him and readied himself. He wasn't going to make this easy for them no matter what they wanted him for. As the walls were removed he struggled but again overpowered as they swarmed him. He fought every ounce not to change before them or use his magic knowing they could possibly kill him on site. A few of the knights would eventually lead him through a courtyard into a large stone building like he had never seen before.

He continued looking around as they led him up some stairs, around a few hallways down some more stairs, only to go another flight before finally he was sure he was lost by the time they had reached a pair of large doors. He listened as the knights spoke to the armored men beside each door, and then heard what sounded like introductions on the other side before finally the doors would open.

Rydan looked ahead as the knights brought him before a man in a large chair. He tried to fight them as they forced him to kneel before the man. "So this is one of the ones that the King of Aserith wants. To be sure, show me the marking." The man in the chair had said towards them. He tried to fight but his human form was weak and he wasn't about to let them know he was anything other. The knights held firmly as they showed the marking on his shoulder to hear the man from the chair chuckle.

"I'm glad I can amuse you, though I would appreciate knowing why I have been brought here and what is going on?" He said finally feeling his temper well within him.

"Oh he is a fiery one isn't he. Well, I'm not sure to be honest but I have spies that have informed me of something his best seer has called an event to change the kingdoms. Now, being Leary of this I did my research. It would be safer for all having the two he sought safely hidden. One of which it seems is you. Now, Allow me the knowledge of where the other is with a marking as yours so that I may hide them away as well?" The man said as he stood. His hand would motion and Rydan would be freed of the guard's grip.

He was confused a moment by their release and looked to the man before him as he rubbed his wrists. "I don't know what you are talking about. My shoulder has a simple birthmark, it means nothing, and I've never met any others with one like it." He paused looking a moment between the knights who were still closer then comfortable for his tastes. "Where is the elder I was traveling with? What have these knights done to him? Where am I, and who are you?" He asked finally, he didn't like feeling as if he were part of some game.

"I am the King of this country, Odisia. I do not know of this elder you speak of but I will have my knights look into it for you. Now, I am asking that you stay here, within this palace. Not necessarily as a prisoner, at least I would hope not." The king would look to the one before him and smile politely.

"So, you want me to stay here? I'm afraid I cannot. I'm on a journey to find someone who may know of my family and clan. The only other survivor. That and I need to find the elder once more and make sure your nights haven't harmed him any." He replied after a moment. He was unsure the king would accept it but knew he had a mission to continue. "Then I am sorry. I cannot allow you to leave. For whatever reason you are too valuable to simply let run around the kingdom. I will have my knights bring your elder here, and as far as the one you seek let us know of whom they are and they will retrieve them as well." the king said once more. He could tell either way he was going to be a prisoner here. He felt foolish after a moment when he had mentioned the one he was searching for. "I apologize King, but I know not who they actually are. I was going off of a last hunch. We were heading to a town on the other side of the hills where we thought they could be."

The king was silent looking towards the two knights and waving them off, which puzzled Rydan. He watched as the king sat in the chair once more and looked almost solemnly at him. "Then I am saddened to tell you of that town's fate. I sent my Great knights to go and defend the town. We will know in a day or so if they were successful. We had reports of one of our neighboring kingdoms sending some force to the town, though as to why, we do not yet know. I will send word though for you to ask of your clan and if any knows of them."

Rydan looked to the king sighing. He didn't want to give in but as long as he was willing to help, or at least seem to then he would agree for now. "As long as the elder is unharmed and ask of the mountain clan. That is where they are from. The person will know when asked which clan it was."

"I thank you for your re-consideration then to my offer. I will have my Stewart show you to your quarters during your stay here. If there is anything you may require do not hesitate to ask the servant staff." He nodded and turned to a shorter gentleman who then motioned for Rydan to follow him.

He followed the man along the halls and rooms and stairs, all of which confused him. He missed the simpleness of the caverns and caves he grew up in and the openness of the fields. They would eventually stop at one door. The Stewart opened to reveal a decent sized bedroom, and a balcony with a view of gardens below. It was nice by human standards, though was thankful there was room for his true nature to stretch out as well. "Thank you, I will be fine on my own." He said after surveying the room. He watched the man nod then turn on his heels and leave him to the room.

"So, this is to be my cell. Interesting enough" He said to himself then made a mental sweep of the room for any form of magics, though there were none that he could tell. He would finally resign in the search and move to a chair sitting down and closing his eyes. The other was out there, he just needed to find them.  

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:10 pm
Victor rode unsure just how far away the girl had gotten. He did notice she seemed to be weary of her tracks from what he could tell as he followed her trail. It would be at least another day or so before he would stop by a cornfield and knew it would be a bit more difficult due to the closeness of the stalks. He sighed pulling his horse along as he walked into the field. A few broken stalks here, a footprint or two there all leading to the clearing where it looked like she may have slept. He looked to it more closely noticing a few reddish stains and knew he would have to find her soon.

He turned heading the direction of the trail still, and once free of the corn, regained his position upon his horse. He rode fast hoping there was still time to catch up with her. If anything to aid his brother when he would be reporting to their king of what had happened.

It was well into night before he would pause at one rode. In the darkness he could see something in the middle of it, but couldn't place it with the shadows of the night. He scanned the area in case of a trap and drew his sword as he brought the horse closer. Though as it became more visible in the darkness he would quickly get off the horse and run to the person it turned out to be.

He knelt down seeing the one he had been searching and shook her shoulder gently to wake her. "Don't be dead Miss." He said half to himself as she didn't seem to respond. He found the wound he had guessed she had had earlier and took some bandage from his pack on the horse to wrap it up. He removed his glove feeling her temperature before deciding to pick her up and place her on his horse. He regained his position but now with the lady laying across the horse before him.

He knew these lands well from when he was a child and knew his birth home wasn't too far. He figured for now it was as safe as anyplace for a survivor of Perideit. He rode hard making sure she was not getting worse, and by morning light he would reach the town gates of his home. Entering home was never a problem, though he had been away in service of their king in so long, he wasn't sure how much could have changed.

Victor would smile seeing his family home still intact and dismounted from the horse, leading it to where it could be harnessed in the stable. Once it was secure he moved the lady gently from the horse into his arms. Knocking on the door he could hear the soft voice of his mother coming, and smiled as he saw her open the door.

"By the powers. Deagan, come look, one of the boys has come home." His mother said as she shushed him quickly into the house. "Deary Oh, what's happened? You have blood on your armor? And who is this?" She said after taking a better look at her son.

"It's good to see you mother. This is a survivor and she needs some help. Her fever is high and I need to make sure her wound isn't worse then I had originally guessed." He replied to her. She would nod and motion him to follow her as she lead him to one of the back rooms. He entered the room placing the lady on the bed and looking her over as his mother pulled the sheets and brought them over the girl. "Forgive me mother for simply coming home, and with this trouble."

"Oh nonsense my boy. You're welcome home as is your brother anytime. You know that. It's a safe harbor away from being a great knight of the king's I hear." He smiled nodding towards her before turning back to the woman. Her fever still hadn't broken and he was worried it may never if they couldn't get it under control. He moved about letting his mother and father, after a brief greeting, do the things they wished. He gathered herbs as his mother and the knight training had taught him and tended to the girl.

He was nearly asleep in the chair when he felt another tapping his shoulder. Opening his eyes he would see his mother, and some clothes she held folded in her hands. "Rest, my child. She's not going anywhere tonight yet. Get comfortable and cleaned up. I want you presentable when this beauty does eventually wake." He chuckled to her comments shaking his head. As she would leave the room he would look to the sleeping lady a moment thoughtfully. His mother was right, she was beautiful, and as if straight out of his dreams. He would change in another room and retire for the night knowing here was safe for now.

He would wake early in the morning and check in on the lady seeing her still asleep, though the fever was now gone. He stretched for a bit before helping his father with the daily morning chores. Then went about attempting to groom his horse as well as polish his armor so to be presentable when he eventually would return to the palace.


Annalise stirred. Her dreams unsettling once more seeing a boy and walls, though unsure if he were in danger or not. She couldn't help but fear for him seeing dark knights enter and take him. She would wake feeling light on her skin to find she was not where she thought she was. She felt something at her waist and noticed the bandage. She hadn't realized she had been wounded.

She stood looking about the room and out the window to view the farming village outside. She was curious trying to remember when she had fallen asleep last, and thought it was in a cornfield.

"Oh bless your heart, you've woken. You gave us somewhat of a fright there young miss."

She turned hearing a woman's voice to see a shorter gray haired woman. "My apologies. Where am I, how did I get here?" She asked as the woman seemed determined to make the bed she had just recently risen from.

"All in good time child. My youngest son found you in the middle of the road sometime in the night. And the good boy that he is, brought you hear and tended to you through most of the night." The woman said to her. She must have been more tired then she had originally thought if she had just collapsed. "Then thank you, and your son for the care. But I should be leaving."

"Oh nonsense dear. At least not without some decent food in you. Now let's see here," The woman blurted. She watched as the woman stood inches away from her looking her over. "Hmm, now you're a bit taller, but I do believe I have something that would suit you. There's the room across the hall where you can freshen yourself up if you wish." She was puzzled but would thank the lady for her kindness and head to the directed room.

It was odd for a moment as she got water and heated it for a bath, nicely hidden behind a screen. The home was interesting to say the least with little trinkets and what she assumed were gadgets laying about. Humans were a funny race she thought. She heard movement and sat up, her long raven hair falling before her. "Oh, it's just me dear. Don't worry the men are outside still. I'm just cleaning your clothes, and brought some new ones for you." The voice of the older woman rang into the room. She nodded though realized the woman couldn't see her and voiced her thanks once more.

Once feeling clean despite her traveling, she would look to the clothes the lady had brought her. It was something simple and nice. Also something she didn't expect from the woman. She was not use to such kindness. 'Perhaps there is hope for humans after all.' She thought to herself.  
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