Yeah guys, another guild plug in.
But oh, wait! This guild's actually active! 8D
*suspects most of the other guilds in this forum to be dead/dying*
Well, except pervert land. I mean, what man wouldn't want to go there? :'D

Alright, alright since this is a plug for my personal guild I might as well stop beating around the bush =__=

Yups, the gunmetal mercenaries! :'D
(I know what your wondering; Duri.. why did you link me to the forum and not the front page, wouldn't you want to show that off?
Well curious pawnk, I absolutely FAILLED at creating a front page! But the guild itself is pretty good. We're active and everything. The only problem is that we're pretty low on members (only 11 ><)

Now I know what your thinking, well Duriono, what makes this different from any other mercenary guild? Which is like only two or three actually active ones...
I'm looking at YOU. Mercenary guild that's dead, which I'm too lazy to pick out.

Well, lemme tell ya some things. You will not get paid in gold for a mission..
Yeah, it's true. I'm not paying for someone just to type up something about how awesome their character is and that they should get paid extra for beating the mission in style... I mean, why would I pay you for that!?
*looses about half of the audience*
@#$@.. Anyway, we're a very story oriented guild, yeah. A mercenary guild that's actually about a single story, well more like several threads tied into a web which is the overall story arc of gunmetal mercenaries. Featuring other mercenary groups, and even characters who aren't mercenaries.
We have a huge variety of missions, ranging from assassination to protecting a car from pidgeons, we also have a wide variety of characters. From yours truely, a former gatekeeper demon and leader of the gunmetal mercenaries to an Asian chick who's from another planet!
(no, foolish child. Asians don't come from space! They're humans like you and I!)
The thing is, most of these characters have had an extensive past with eachother. But the story's very easy to jump into, due to me recording everything that goes on and updates it with an announcement. Hell, for new members I have even retold the whole story!
So, I may have typed this huge thing up for nothing, maybe not. But either way, I'm glad I did. So I can use this in another guild that allows advertising! :'D
Durey out!

.. Oh, wait. We also have events and cookies!

Now Durey out!