Frequently Asked Questions

I'm lost... HOW DO I GET A PONY!
• Hanging out in the main thread is a good start. Keep an eye out for events, which are announced on the first page. Polite, active newbies may find themselves gifted with breeding baskets.

Where did that thread go? It was in (subforum) earlier!
• Odds are it's been Archived - most old threads are moved so that the active subforums remain uncluttered.

I've been waiting for ages and ages... but no horse. 8C What do I do?
• If you've been waiting more than a couple months for your Soquili, inquire with your colorist (politely!) or send a PM to the shop mule.

I lost the cert/uncert of my pet, how do I get it back?
• If your pet's colorist is still on staff (check here, Employees post) send them a PM. If they aren't, or you don't know your colorist, send Soquili Era a PM.

Who do I send my certing information to?
• If they are currently on staff, the colorist of your pet. Otherwise, see next point, below.

I need a cert changed/fixed for someone who's not staff anymore, how do I do that?
• Check out the Cert Request Thread, it has instructions on changes.

Stats & Teepees
What are stats, what are they good for?
Statsistics are a Soquili's percentage rating in six categories, Strength, Courage, Speed, Intelligence, Luck & Stamina. A Soquili's stats affect his or her chances for an extra basket during breeding and maxed stats (all 100%) is a requirement for Eldership application. You need a teepee to earn stats.

How do I get a teepee thread/stats? How do I add a Soq to my teepee?
• Everything about teepees can be found here

Can I add a basket/foal to my teepee?
• Only foals or adults may be added to your teepee, unfortunately baskets cannot have stats rolled for them/be added.

How do I get an Elder Soquili?
• Elder Soquili are earned through roleplay, more information here.

How often do Elder Applications open?
• Once or twice a year, staff workloads permitting.

How will we know when there are Elder applications being accepted?
• A shop notice will appear on the front page, likely the title will say so as well.

Where do Soquili roleplay threads go?
• In our other guild, Soquili Era

What are my Soquili's in-character abilities?
• Check our handy Soquili Breed Rules & Abilities thread.

Can I add more accessories/edits to an existing Soquili?
• Depending on the shop in the Trading Post, you may -- mostly you can add templated accessories from familiar and item colorists. However, a few of the colorists also run customised accessory shops, opening them on occasion to alter pre-existing Soquili. They do not, however, do hair edits or change hairstyles.

Can we mix mane/tail templates, draft/other breeds, alternate/regular versions for customs?
• Yup, absolutely. If a combination isn't possible your colorist will let you know, but the vast majority of the template options are interchangeable and combinable.