Many of us can be very passionate in our viewpoints. As such, please try to be polite; attack only the validity of arguments and not the person using that argument. If requested during a debate, provide a source to back yourself up with as well. It'll also look better on you if you can source specific points and it works with other things as well, like writing for a point. While I expect a majority of topics here to be associated with the LGBT community (being what the guild is founded upon), you are free to debate any topic or bring up any issue for extended discussion or debate here.

Do not make overly broad or stereotypical arguments in a debate. Not only does it look bad, it's likely to offend someone personally - attack an idea or a practice, not something as a whole. This includes political parties, religions, and the collection of high-school-esque stereotypes (jocks, rednecks, ect). Do not attack these or any other groups as groups - attack a practice that is generally (un)common within them or an idea that is generally (un)supported by them. When you attack the group itself you attack everyone within it.

A final note: If looking into a thread, please make sure to read a thread in its entirety before posting in it. Some arguments and points may have changed from the first post, or additional information to consider may be present in the newer posts. In short, make sure that the newer stuff doesn't make your post idea obsolete because it's been covered before you got there.

Other than that er, have fun yelling? 3nodding