*Please ignore this message if you're already a member of the Gotei Elite.

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The Gotei Elite is recruiting!

We're a Roleplaying Guild of over 150 Members, and we're looking for more!

Take some time, look over our Guild Home Page, and if you'd like to join
us and make some new friends, make a Join Request! You don't need to
fill anything out, or give any Roleplay samples, blah blah blah -- just ask,
and you're in.

We've based the Guild off of the anime, Bleach, but we're not like most
Bleach Guilds. More or less, we just love holding events, partying,
roleplaying, and competing. We hold seasonal festivals (we're about to
have one for Christmas and Winter!), tournaments, lotteries, and there's
plenty of chances to Rank Up and become a Leader inside the Gotei Elite.
You can lead a Squad of Members and throw your own events, make your
own Roleplays, show us your own ideas, and help make the Guild bigger
and better.

We just wanted to send you this friendly message, to reach out and find
new friends. If you're interested at all, please let us know by sending a
Join Request!

Keep in mind, there's no requirements to enter, and you don't need to do
anything while you're here if you don't want to. Just stay active, let us
know how you're going, keep us in the loop. If you join, be sure to join up
with a Squad as well
, otherwise you'll miss out on everything! If you want
to get into Roleplays, Tournaments, the Lotteries, or hang out with us
every week, then let us know -- we'd be only too happy to meet you!

Take care!
- The Crew and Council of the Gotei Elite.

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