The One Who Needs Love

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Some Info

Adalyn needs some loving! Someone who can be by her side and tell her she does not need to hide her face from the world.
She will do anything her brother says but she cant seem to find the will to show her face.. Do you have a stallion whose willing to try?

She can see other spirits and talk to them but she never knows when it may happen.It just occurs and she cant control it.She wishes she could see the spirits of her parents if only to glimpse them.She may also seem a bit distant but the is only because she is a spirit.

She feels like no one will ever accept her because what she has been through. Her parents were killed and she cant even remember what happened. All she knows is now..Very Deceiving and mysterious

She needs someone strong who will always love her no matter what. Could be one even more deceiving..I guess mail me or post your plot ideas? Anything could go

If you want more info dont be afraid to ask! I really hope she can find her perfect someone!