Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:13 am
All of my friends can't decide on a ******** WoW server. We've "decided" on, like, three. And when I and a couple of other people get to, idk, level 60, suddenly one of them hates the server because it's just not balanced enough for them. neutral
No WoW server is going to be balanced. WTF. A 1:1 ratio is just not something you'll find. I think it's stupid. So, now I have 3 level 60 Priests (cause it's my favorite class and no one else ********' wants to play one) all on different servers. Sure, it doesn't take long at all to level, but that's, like, a whole two days added up that I won't get back. D: < FFUUUUUUUUU. Was in the middle of an instance when Kyle's buddy (the guy we're basically playing because of) was all "Dude, that server is srsly Horde heavy. Let's find a new server." I dropped the group right there because I didn't feel like continuing to play a character I won't get to play again.
I swear to god, the next server they choose, I'm staying on it whether they like it or not. scream
Brb, deleting my other priests cause I don't even wanna lookit them anymore.
And I'm not paying for server transfer, that's such a rip-off, I just don't even.
Sometimes, these guys just make me RAEG.
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:03 pm
Play Horde on Spirestone. You know you want to.
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:13 pm
Horde Kilrogg 4 lyfe, yo.
Got me 2 85s, 2 82s, an 81, an 80, a 42, and a 23.