I'm going to be updating this thread as frequently as possible. Below I can explain why.

I've got so many avatars that I'm going questing for that I could really use some help. I've been after some of the avatars that are going to be placed here for quite some time. Others might be a little more recent. I'll always update the 'About' section for each dream avi. Then you'll know what it's going to be used for, or why I want it.

About the Current Avi::
The current avi is going to be used for my magazine guild, Gaia-zine Publishing, Inc.. It's going to be my character in the comic book that we're currently working on for the magazine. It's going to be awhile before the comic book is up and running, however; but I really need this avi so I can roleplay my character for the comic book from time-to-time when we're going out and doing stuff for the magazine/comic book. Please help me out!

User Image
Total Value: 12,458,060 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Scar of Martyr
Scar of Tyrant
Black Husar De Pavia Uniform Boots
Those Black 90s Gloves
Checkered Nightmare
Ursa Major
Ancient Katana
The Lusty Scoundrel
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Orinkage Hurricane!