Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:52 pm
The controls are way the ******** better than KZ2. In that game it had this weird delay on everything you did, I believe because everything had so many graphical filters over it that there was just an overall lag. Also there was a dead-zone on the analog sticks which made you have to move your stick further than you'd feel you had to. Also your character moved like he was wearing a really heavy backpack. Hard to describe but there's a weird momentum.
KZ3 fixes the control issues. No more dead-zone on the analog sticks, no more half second delay on everything you do. Dude still feels really heavy though, like he's wearing a bunch of equipment. It feels about like how Bioshock 2's movement was, but with the ability to run. It's kind of 'clumsy' or something.
The weapons are really satisfying, great sound. It only takes a couple well placed bullets to kill someone. People moan and whine when they get shot and it's very 'war is hell'.
Huge improvement over Killzone 2, but I probably wont get it since I want to get Marvel vs Capcom 3 and get good at that. Also PSN is full of ******** terrible players and so I'd end up just playing against bots so I could have a challenge.
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:59 pm
I loved Killzone 2 and I thought the controls worked quite well for what it was. The "heavy" feel kind of makes sense, considering your a soldier wearing a bunch of equipment. It's cool to hear that things are even more fluid in KZ3, though. Definitely looking forward to it.
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:01 pm
I don't dislike the heavy feel, but it always takes some getting used to. It's kinda hard to stop running sometimes, it feels like. The weapons feel a little too powerful sometimes, though.
I do prefer the Killzone games to the CoD games, personally. I like Battlefield games more.
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:22 pm
I'm not too much of a CoD fan either. Killzone is generally my preferred console shooter, though admittedly I'm not much of a console shooter kind of guy. I like it even better than Halo. As far as Battlefield goes, I've only ever played 1942. It was decently fun, but I don't have much of an opinion on the franchise beyond that.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:48 am
I mostly like the battlefield games due to the bullet travel time, bullet drop, and the fact that you have to account for wind. It makes sniping decently difficult and rewarding when you make a good shot. It also means you'll rarely be sniped from across the map because most people are incapable of leading a target.