Okay, for the better part, my current job isn't too bad. Not great, we get paid basic minimum wage and no holiday or overtime wage and the owner is a skinflint, but you do. However, staff are all nice to one another, if things food things get opened, we often get to keep them and they are pretty relaxed about holidays and scedules.

Problem is, profit hasn't been great lately. Could just be after christmas lull, takes people a while to start spending again. Could also be high prices. Our offer prices are good, everything else...tends to suck.

What this has meant is cut hours. Now, I still seem to be getting 16 hours a week, but just about. Nothing extra on top of that. This has lead be to start searching elsewhere.

I just worry about moving on. A job I've applied for is full-time. I'd have to give up volunteering in the school to take it. Plus, it's only temporary, but pay is a lot better.

Anyway, this is more a voicing of my concerns, but if any of you have similar issues, let me know.