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(Oneshot. Snape's Pov. Rated: All Ages/K)

Lily dropped her school bag on the table in front of me. It's startling, I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I hadn't even noticed her presence approaching until now.

"Worried about final exams?" she asked taking a seat next to me at the table.

"No." I reply shuffling some of my parchment and books towards my end so there would be more work space for her.

"Well then what has you so nervous?" she asked me. I'm not sure I know what she's talking about.

"Why do you think I'm nervous?" I ask her.

"Because Sev, you look it." she explained simply. She look at me expectantly for some kind of response.

What am I suppose to say exactly? She thinks I'm nervous, surely not. I know I've never had much luck when it comes to getting Lily to understand my expressions, but nervous? She could honestly think that?

I'm a far better student in my classes than most in our year so it's not like there is even anything I would be nervous about. And that doesn't even have anything to do with what I was thinking about before Lily came over.

I was thinking about summer break again, like I tend to do towards the end of every year. The past three summers I've always gone back home, just like everyone else. I don't look forward to it though. A part of me wishes I could just stay here at Hogwarts like I do for every other holiday. I keep wanting to, but I can never find the right moment to approach the Headmaster about this.

It's not like everything about going back home is unpleasant to think about, Lily lives nearby and we usually meet up once or twice a week. But that never changes how it is like at home.

I wish I didn't have to go back there every summer, but I wouldn't say I'm nervous about it. I'm more depressed about the idea of having to go back than anything else.

I thought Lily would be able to tell the difference.