So for those of you who are PS3 fans out there, you've probably played Uncharted (and if not ... go play it, now. This thread will wait for you), and you might have heard that a movie was coming out based on the games. But did you hear that Mark Wahlberg is slated to play Nathan Drake? D=

Could they have picked a worse actor for the part?

So pretty much this thread is a place to worry about the upcoming movie adaptation, and maybe pray that it is better than it seems. There are a ton of articles and interviews that have the director talking about the movie, which I'm too lazy to dig up for you ... so do your own damn research! D< <3

Anyways, for those of you not familiar with the series, it's kind of like Tomb Raider with more people in it (as opposed to Lara Croft walking around tombs alone for hours before seeing another person (that usually dies real quick)). There's also great movie-like characterization and dialogue. Overall, it is a phenomenal series that I totally recommend to anyone!