I'm Troubled Lord Because People are Being Mean to Me!

"Be at peace among yourselves."
I Thress. 5:13

Dear Lord, I'm very thankful to feel that I can always turn to You whenever I'm troubled. Having You so close to me now in prayer lifts me even though problems are trying to get me down. Yes, this is what's happening in my life today. For there are some people who are being mean and unjust to me!

You know of these people, Lord. And I call out to You for guidance. The things they do, the things they say, worry and upset me. What can I do to improve this unpleasant situation? So far I haven't been able to find the answer's I need. Please help me!

I want to live in peace with everybody. It's such a waste of time to argue and to use angry, unkind words. Take away any bitterness that's in the hearts of those who are mean to me. Let them be more loving and considerate. May I act the same way toward them. And lead me to a happy end to this problem soon!

I'm certain that You want all of Your children to be at peace among ourselves. With Your help, I believe this can be possible. Thank you for listening.~~ Amen

A Special Prayer Prepared For You By Life-Study Fellowship, Norton Conn. 06820