I'm going to try to keep this short and simple.
This sub, of course, is for all your Gaia wishing that you may want your fellow guildies to know about.
But there are rules to your wishing.
You may post any reasonable, Gaia-related wish/quest. By reasonable, I mean an item on Gaia, a quest for art/images, visits to your personal website, things of that ilk.
Do NOT post for things that we have no real way of helping you achieve it, like things in real life. If you post a thread for something in real life or something silly, it WILL be deleted.
Do NOT mindlessly beg or expect us to just up and grant your wish; the members of this guild have their own quests, too, and they're not made of gold.
Try to be helpful/supportive when you post in another's wish thread; wish them luck, give them tips, etc.; but do NOT be disrespectful, that's a one way ticket to a post deletion.

All of that being said, have fun, and good luck to all in their quests!