Call me stupid, but only recently did I discover what NIDS, or Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes, was. And only yesterday did I learn what it stood for >_<
I'm not sure why, but I'm curious about it. Wiki wasn't very helpful, briefly stating the symptoms.

Here's the entry:

Neuro-immune dysfunction syndromes (NIDS) are a set of related disorders characterized by complex interactions between the nervous system and the immune system. Such disabilities include autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome and other related conditions.

Cognitive impairment
Language delay
Developmental regression
Inappropriate behaviors
Fine and gross motor abnormalities
Poor muscle tone
Inability to focus
Low grade fever
Frequent ear infections
Food sensitivities
Obsessive compulsive disorders
Poor eye contact

The underlined words and symptoms(which is all, really XD) are ones I would like more description on. And just NIDS in general.

And please no remarks on how I don't know about these probably simple things.... talk2hand