Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:29 pm
Welcome to the home of Rhyme or Reason and their soquili.
Soren's Stats Strength: 4% Courage: 1% Speed: 12% Intelligence: 10% Luck: 7% Stamina: 12%
The Teepee They all live on the beach.
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:31 pm
Directory xoxoxoxoxoxoxooo1// SOREN
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:33 pm
S O R E N'flight' NAME || soren MEANING || flight GENDER || male
FATHER || none MOTHER || none SIBLINGS || none MATE || none OFFSPRING || none
PERSONALITY || overprotective, considerate, generous and chivalrous are all words that come to mind when describing the selfless stallion. he hardly has a mean bone in his body and would most commonly be found doing whatever he could to help others. with a good heart and nothing but kind intentions, he tends to treat every task he sets to with great care and never fails to show kindness and compassion toward others. his unwavering patience is quite useful with some horses, but his ability to not be fazed by negative comments and things of the like is of great help when meeting certain soquili. he has small distaste toward mutants, though he would never say anything of it, but he truly finds something good in every soul.
IMAGES || ASSSIGNED COLOUR || #6495ED RECEIVED || 3/13/11 via raffle
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:34 pm