I feel like I've died
And I've got nowhere to go
Heaven won't have me
Hell's afraid I'll steal the show
The instant I saw you
I was completely blinded by my trust
Then you stabbed my heart
And watched as it crumbled into dust

Now I'm less then human
But I'm so much more
One badass ******** betrayed by a whore
I'm so filled with fire and life
Though inside I feel dead
My biggest mistake was
Letting you get in my head
I'm gonna hit it big and I'm
Gonna make you stare
Thank you for making me an
Undead superstar extraordinaire

You dropped me down
Into the deepest, darkest grave of shame
But I'm pulling myself up
And your ever running mouth is to blame
I'll shut you up
With my heavy metal, hell yeah cry of the damned
Without you, I'll get ahead
Let my victory tear you up like a lion with a lamb

Because I'm less then human
But I'm so much more
One badass ******** betrayed by a whore
I'm so filled with fire and life
Though inside I feel dead
My biggest mistake was
Letting you get in my head
I'm gonna hit it big and I'm
Gonna make you stare
Thank you for making me an
Undead superstar extraordinaire

You thought I'd just lay down
Quiet as a stone
Let you walk into the sunset
And leave you alone
Life just ain't that ******** simple
Evil has a price
You'll pay yours, you little b***h
The cost isn't nice
At least you've killed my soul
So hurt, I'll never be
When you fall, you won't even
Be a memory

Because I'm less then human
But I'm so much more
One badass ******** betrayed by a whore
I'm so filled with fire and life
Though inside I feel dead
My biggest mistake was
Letting you get in my head
I'm gonna hit it big and I'm
Gonna make you stare
Thank you for making me an
Undead superstar extraordinaire