its me again guys ya sorry i know your tired of me but i gotta rant this time and as the subject says its about my ex girlfriend well first some back ground when i dated her we truely thought we were in love dead wrong my friends told me i was wrong all the time but anyway we did a lot of things i wont go into them just because well its personal and thats not something you guys wanna hear but i will tell you we went all the way and well we got closer but then she got clingy so we broke up we both had well i wont sugar coat it we both had hate and despise for the other after that well we since then have become, well i wont call it friends but whatever well she keeps barging into my life like the other day i was hanging out with one of my best friends, bri, and her friend, jenna, well i was hanging with them when i get a text from my ex saying "i didnt knwo you like briana" well i dotn and even if i did its none of her business but this morning i recived a text saying "i know you have loved briana for the past 4 years" and well the only point ot this rant is jsut its none of her business and she needs know the facts before she says anything because as it happens i like bri's friend jenna and jus ugh thats all i got thanks for listening bye