Is not easy but I think I am doing good. Before 7 years ago, I graduated high school, at that time I was afraid of just about everything. Most people figured I would be one of those people who just stayed in my room and never had a real life because of that. I was afraid of talking to people, getting in trouble, being wrong, making phone calls, answering the phone, answering the door, asking questions, germs, doing anything alone, doing new things, going someone new alone, sleeping alone, being awake while everyone was asleep, the list goes on.

Today I am much more outgoing. I am very good at my job in retail, where I deal with strangers everyday. I can make phone calls, answer the phone. I talk to people on my own. I am in college, I have done many things by myself that I couldn't before and I am trying really hard to experience all the things I couldn't before.

I'm still have a lot of fears but I try to push myself to do these things even though I am scared. I am sure many people don't around me don't even know that everyday I am doing things that scare me. I just keep a smile on my face and do it anyways.

So yep, anything is possible when you put your mind to it!!! Remember that!