Guidlines and Helpful Tips

1. When posting please be sure to have some sort of personal signature and date put on the picture/photograph so it will be difficult for others to steal your hard work.

2. Remember to consiter other's feelings when criticizing other's artwork.

3. Even if you don't think your artwork is worth being seen or if you want to draw but don't know where to start, feel free to post around! I'm sure other people would be more than happy to give you a few pointers. =)

4. The Artwork Info Skeleton is required to be posted with your artwork!

5. If your artwork is posted in the wrong area, it will be removed and you will be notified of its removal.

Info Skeletion for your Artwork

Name: "Artworks Name" (say no name if there is not a name, but if the works name happens to be that the capitalize like so: "No Name"; name must be in quotes)
Artist: (your name or username or both)
Date: (date finished)
Materials: (any and all materials used)
Time Taken: (estimate)