Welcome to the Guild Lotto!!!

Here you can win 50,000g, 15,000g, 10,000g in prizes!

Here's the catch; each ticket costs 5,000g, but if you try and imagine getting ten times larger than you original bet, it would be great! And if your number was chosen twice, or two of your numbers were chosen, you win again! This will also benefit the guild because some of the profits will be donated. Which will help in other activities and games!

Each time a lotto is over, a new one will start the day after! So dont give up! Keep trying!

The winner will be determined by the trusty "Random Number" function in the "Post Action". We will post it three times to determine the winners. (so you know its the honest answers)

1st Place: 50,000g
2nd Place: 15,000g
3rd Place: 10,000g

1. Buy a Ticket
2. Pick a number between 1 - 20 (send PM to inform)
3. Send trade, confirm.
4. Wait til every ticket has been bought.

Important Information:
~ Sent Trade to the Guild Mule (HappyTimesForeverMule)
~ Winners will be chosen by a random number generator.
~ Buy as MANY as you want.
~ For inquiries PM Me.


2. Asher Skie
3. Ty Gwynnia
5. Demo_Rules
6. MistressMagicMagdalene
7. Musiical Soulz
8. Strider the Eternal
9. Demo_Rules
11. Rayne Engel
12. Ty Gwynnia
13. Rayne Engel
14. Strider the Eternal
15. Demo_Rules
17. Asher Skie
19. Musiical Soulz