I haven't been on in a while-sorry..^-^;;

So, recently I found out that the Vocaloid Hatsune Miku is..somewhat an unofficial mascot of Toyotas new car[brainfarting on the name].
And she's coming to the US.
L.A. to be exact. July 2nd..>3<

Don't get me wrong- I love Miku and well..most of the Vocaloids for that matter, but I don't know how I feel about this..

I think I feel a little bittersweet.o-e
Like I'm happy she's/the creators are becoming more famous..but at the same time I don't want the US to have them.
Or other people really..I feel selfish-and I'm hardly ever selfish.>-<- but I usually don't like other people liking the same music as me.
[I'm weird. I know..but at the same time I feel like tons and tons of people feel the same way.]
I want them to live their dream and become world traveling/world famous musicians..but I don't want it at the same time..o-o;

I'm also worried we-the US will corrupt them[all of the things I listen to(Vocaloids, K-pop, etc, etc.)]..

SO! If this is new news to you, or if you've heard- what do you think/how do you feel about it?!
And do you feel the same way about your music?
Like they're your little babies and you don't want them to leave your nest.O-Q

o 3o