A Land in Chaos: A Dynasty (and now Samurai) Warriors Cosplay Interest Thread
Hello and welcome to the thread!
So, my computer died and with the lack of internet, I started playing my Xbox more. My game of choice? Dynasty Warriors. When I was able to get back on and see what my Soquili buddies were up to, I started thinking that it would be really cool to get a Soq cosplay of my favorite DW character, Ling Tong! When I mentioned this, I didn’t get the onslaught of “Dynasty Warriors? Boring.” and “Eww, repetitive much?” that I thought I would. Quite the opposite, in fact, several people expressed an interest and thus, this thread was born.
And now, Samurai and Warriors Orochi characters have been added, since (and I quote Musi), "Those games are brothers!"
So if you’re interested in questing a DW/SW Soq cosplay or even if you’re just a fan of Koei and want to chill out with us, you are welcome here. Please, just adhere to the rules of Gaia and Soquili and my personal rule of no drama-mongering. ^__^ If I need to, I will post them, but for now, I trust you all to know them.