Survivor of Cage/Cage of Death Fact sheet

Smackdown v.s. TNA
TJH Corporation v.s. The Eclipse
Team Raw(Shadow, Nuke Fusion, and Christina Parks) v.s. Team Smackdown(Marxx, Ryuu, and Mr. X)
Cyrus, Freakshow, and Jed v.s. GBL, Harli, and Saint Joey
Prophecy(c) vs Cross(c) vs Tyson vs Andrew vs Pink Avenger vs Angel
GBL vs Mr. X. vs Christina Parks vs Draze
Draze(c) vs Cyrus
CM Punk(c) and Kid Omega vs Sean Rowe(c) and Harli

-Harli and GBL currently holds the best record in Cage of Death with a 2-0-1.
-There has never been a triple threat Cage Of Death match in WWFG history.
-Each Survivor of Cage has an invading show either be mentioned or have a match on the PPV.
-Each Survivor of Cage PPV matches are in a cage.
-Each Survivor of Cage PPV has two Cage of Death Matches.
- Survivor of Cage is a mixture of two former WWFG PPV's Lockdown and Survivor Series.

Cage of Death Returns October 2, 2011


Only one will survivor!