Actually less than that now...

Ok, let me first say, Cowboy is home. Yay! He had a spectacular vacation, where he lost most if not all of his winter rehab fat. He is still about 3lbs heavier than when he was at his ideal BUT I feel ribs, and he honestly feels like he is at his ideal. Perhaps my scale is broken, or perhaps he gained a whole bunch of muscle. I think he's good to go though. Will post pics of his vaca when I have a chance.

Now on Aug 13th....(suspense music) which is a lil less than three weeks (louder suspense music) ..............

We're DOING DOCK DIVING!!!! wahmbulance

In Gananoque Ontario, at the "mutts about the 1000 islands" event. Our first ever time actually doing an official event. There will also be an un sanctioned frisbee event.

I have already spoken to a friend who has agreed to tag along and be Cowboy's photographer xd

ZOMG! I am so excited lol. I want the next three weeks to be OVER now.