hey, I need help with my parody for a contest. for those that play League of Legends you now know which contest, the songs of the summoned 2.

I want to do a parody of Queen's We are the champions, and I have the lyrics written and I plan on singing them, however foolhardy this idea of me singing may be.

but I'm terrible at playing any sort of instrument and don't really have the instruments needed anyways. the rules for the contest are we can't sing over a prerecorded song, as in we can't use the instrumental version even though I'm sure others are >.< so I'm looking for people to help me out by playing the instrument parts. if you have a league of legends account I will most definitely credit you so that if we win you can cash in on the prize too. If you don't and you want to play I can give my referral link so that you can get into it.

TL;DR I need people for parody of queen, we are the champions, for contest. LoL players will get to cash in prize if we win.

edit- for the admins I'm not sure if this is the right thread if not let me know.