had a goast from the time i was a baby to about 3 years ago... to other ppl, he was a shadow of a man who made tons of apearances and noise... for me, hes still around, no one else realy notices him after my parents devorced... to me he is the shadow of a dragon, witch is on several ocasions proven to be my spirit animal, he makes objects move like doors, andocasionaly i find him turning things on, like lightbulbs or my musical snow globe at 3 in the morning... hes a good goast i guess though, ha! when i first started hearing him talking to me i told my mom and she layed down the line for him, she yelled through the house about if he ever hurt me or did anything bad, hehe idc if you belive it but i have my belifes and you have yours, so just whatever.