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YOU TOO..b? Yep, this is the YouTube subforum, the place to view users youtube videos and submit your own. Just take a gander at a few simple guidelines and you'll be golden!

Respect the user's video, please, if it is THEIR own. This means that you don't have to trash their video. If you don't like it, you may state so though and give constructive criticism. It is up to the discretion of the user to post their own youtube videos in regards to subsequent reaction.

Of course, you may post videos that aren't your own. That's probably the majority of videos in here. Some are real funny or interesting and all that hooplah, so feel free to comment and express your opinion whenever you deem necessary. Don't be shy! Feel free to post your own as well.

You may post more than one video a day, but posting thirty or more might be a bit extreme.

Try to comment if you can on other videos. This sub is marginally inactive and doesn't need to be if users would watch and remark! So, if you're one of those people that doesn't feel bothered, feel free to attempt to be bothered if you have some spare time with nothing to do.

I trust no one would do this, but posting videos bashing other members isn't allowed.

Posting videos against Gaia T.O.S, which is ultimately against YouTube terms of service as well, is prohibited.

TRY AND HAVE FUN! You know as well as I do how expansive YouTube is. YES, you may advertise your videos here and your friends'. Again, feel free to make this an entertaining place, and if you have any suggestions let me know.

Thank you! biggrin