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This is pretty straightforward. This sub forum has to do with making suggestions for our guild. Any suggestions are welcome so long as they have been thought out and are written in a civil manner. For instance, "Can you lyke make sub bout rain", is not something that is thought provoking or necessary. Making a sub forum about rain is not likely to be a worthy contribution to the guild, unless it's for lolz. Also, please state your suggestion in a clear and precise way that we can understand. If we can't understand it, we're not going to take it seriously. That being said, rude suggestions won't be met with much amicability. Suggesting the demotion of a Crew member, for example, is not allowed. Anything that promotes hostility isn't allowed. If you have those kinds of suggestions, you need to PM me and give your reasoning.

Please try to understand that some of your suggestions may not be approved. We have to take into account the necessity of say, additional sub forums or ideas that you'd like to have implemented. Some ideas may need to have a wide range of communication among members before we decide to approve them or not. Please know though that we will try our best to take your idea into consideration. If your idea is rejected, however, don't take it personally. Not everyone can have what they want.

Another thing, we want you to make suggestions. Let us know how we can improve the guild. Show us how we can make the guild more organized, fun, creative or what have you. Your guild experience should be an enjoyable one, and we don't want to impinge on that. It's your ball court just like it is ours, so don't be afraid to speak your mind as long as you're respectful. Our guild can improve if members, Crew and the like speak about what they want to see happen in the guild. We are OPEN for discussion on these issues, and I know we can make important things happen if we take the time to express our thoughts in this forum.

Lastly, this is not a SPAMGEST forum, not that I predict people will be spamming with suggestions....but spamming in general is more likely, since this forum is fairly vacant. So yeah, not to be repetitious, but no spam, please.

Thank you for reading these lengthy rules, now start suggestin' if you wish... biggrin