I live in apartment together with my boyfriend and we have a balcony that we don't use. And since we have inside cats we decided to put in a fake grass-mat, and from where the balcony wall stops to the balcony above us a fence made out of metal that's easy to bend.

We put the grass mat down today after cleaning the entire balcony. and after that we went to take a look how it's going to be with the fence. We bought it yesterday and my boyfriend said it would be enough after we measured it.

We couldn't find a fence that was big enough for 3 meter by 4 meter. So we had to do it twice. One part from above, and one part from under and attach that to each other.

My boyfriend kept whining about how we only could do the lower part. "Cause the cats won't jump over that" True, they won't jump over that. BUT THEY CAN CLIMB. scream And only from the lower part won't be stable.

And today we figured out we don't have enough for both lower part and upper part. We miss a few meters. So I am pretty pissed about that because he said it would be enough. (somehow it doesn't really surprises me. Cause this isn't the first time).

My question is...

Will they climb on the fence? I don't mind if they climb on the fence if the fence is from the wall till the balcony above us. But if it's not, then that worries me.

Oh, and we live on the second floor.