These are all of my animals :3 sorry about all the pictures being so big

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This is Marley. Hes the trouble maker of the 3 dogs, born dec 23(?) of 2009. We got him from a breeder that my moms friend knew. He does stand up to his name like the movie. Sweet but trouble smile Golden retriever and lab

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This one is Macy, she is the sweetheart of them all. Shes only about two years old and we got her recently from a radio station that was going to have her put down sad If you lay down near her, she is sure to come and lay next to you, while licking your face until your soaked smile Brown-nosed yellow lab

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This is Maggie, we got her from the pound almost 12 years ago. She is almost 13 now. She isnt good with other dogs and is definetly protective of the family. She is a puppy in an old body and is accually the smallest dog we have. <3 shes a schnauzer mix. I think with a poodle but im not sure.


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This is Eeyore. Hes a trouble maker too. He is partly an outside cat so he is the skinnest cat we have :/ He does have his claws and is the brother to Pooh. He is about two years old. Got him(and Pooh) from a breeder that didnt want to breed anymore.

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This is Pooh, she is the shyest cat ive ever seen. She is usually hiding or sleeping in the sun so I dont really know much about her :/ I do know that she is absolutley terrified of being outside. She is Eeyores sister and has claws too.

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Tigger is a dog :/ shes the gaurd dog in our house. She is the one that will rub up on you and hiss at you at the same time and follow strangers around the house. She is also called the devil cat at the vets and they decided she was too dangerous to be brought in anymore.... yeaa. We had her declawed. She accually is very nice at home smile oh and we rescued her when she was a kitten. She was stuck in a pipe covered in fleas and ticks sad had to drop feed her too.

Tigger as a kitten
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He has this thing with bringing his food into his wheel and watching it spin out. lol | smile

I also have a african dwarf frog named lil(fil died sad or was eaten), but i cant get a good picture of her.