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This is the Religion and Faith sub forum, where as you can guess conversing about people's religious beliefs takes a front row seat. We all know how many different beliefs are out there, so feel free to discuss them no matter what or who you have faith in and support or pray to. Just as long as it's nothing inappropriate or obscene such as the Great Fornicator Cat who needs some lovin', then you may post here. welcome.

Be respectful folks. I think out of every sub, it can be especially important in this one. People are very sensitive over their religious beliefs or lack thereof. I do not endorse any specific belief, although I am agnostic. I acknowledge that something omnipotent could be out there, but I am skeptical and at the same time believe this powerful figure could be anything. So if I get involved in a debate, do not think I'm this non-Christian kind of guy who believes nothing's there and science disproves it. I may not believe in your god, but I believe there could be a god, so I am not arguing that god doesn't exist in some way. That being said.....everyone has a different experience with this, the environment they grew up in and how they were raised, so people are going to think differently. Don't flame them, please.

When debating, try to use somewhat decent arguments. For instance, don't quote a verse in the bible to support the fact that god exists. Sorry, you're basically saying "Look what it says here. You will sin!" Just think about how that doesn't really play well with people. At the same time, saying "Well, I don't see any proof, so he doesn't exist", is going to tick people off as well. Just because we can't see it doesn't mean something might not be there. Research your religious facts, such as historical references...verses in the bible stories....religious culture in different countries....religious information in general....Again, we have another subject here that you can delve into plenty of detail, so get out there and TALK! We can educate ourselves about different religions even if we have no intent on following them.

Give links to web sites if you wish with the information you want to provide. It can also be used as a citation tool.

You may create topics about what it was like growing up in a religious home or how religion has contributed to your life in a positive or negative way. DO NOT, however, let this be a bash sub forum because it isn't. So if you have criticisms, okay, you lived around upsetting people so state your opinion. But don't go into a rage please, start cursing, etc...we have others users we need to think about, it's diplomacy.

HELP threads are allowed....or QUESTION threads....whatever you prefer, that will allow you to ask people questions about a religion or something in association with it. If we don't ask, we may not learn, and looking up something may not always be our prerogative, so ask away.

Please, no lol images here. Religion is just too sensitive of a topic. I don't want anyone offended even if it's just meant as a joke. If you post a lol image, it will be deleted.

No pornographic images.

No Spam, please. You know what that means.

HAVE FUN! This doesn't have to be a srs srs sub. ENGAGE people, try to have analytical discussions. Post relevant/interesting information. IMAGES of religious figures might be cool, as long as it's within the guidelines. INFORMATIONAL threads and pictures of your religion are allowed as well. Whether you are Athiest, Agnostic, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist or in any other have REIGN HERE to express your thoughts in a thread.

Thank you guys biggrin