Hello, and welcome to Lune Rouge's home! An old pack full of strong wolves known before for their old ways of strategy. But times have changed now and Lune Rouge is a new generation of wolves with ancient and not so ancient blood.

They have created a new life for themselves in today's society and are striving to keep the old way s in their grasp. Secluded in their own little area, besides the rampage of humans coming in on a daily basis, they live, hunt, and play.

Everything was fine. They coped with the humans by day, they were gone after sunrise, and they had time to themselves on the full moon. No pack knew where they had rested and most deemed Lune Rouge as dead until, one day, a pack by the name of 'Solar rain' entered their territory and spread the word.

New packs are arising now. Some to see if Lune Rouge still walks the earth, some to overtake their territory, some who stumbled upon them, and some who never even knew their existence. some ask to stay. To be part of their territory and to live among them for some times. But will doing so cause problems? Or will it have the opposite effect? Only time can tell.

If you like wolves and role playing, this is the guild for you!