Ello my real name is Corina, but I go by many different nicknames two of my more common ones are Rina and Rain. ( I just recently noticed their close spelling sweatdrop ) I'm 16, and bi. I think I'm 5 "4 not 100% sure and the last time I weighed myself I was 139 pounds.( I can have a bit of a low self esteem at times) I'd say I'm around average looks.( but that shouldnt be what a relationship is based on). I can have a temper sometimes(who doesn't?) and I can have my evil moments. All around I can be hyper sometimes, but a lot of times it depends on who I'm talking to. So I want to meet someone who actually wants to get to know me. There are somethings I'm not willing to share though unless I get to know you better, my downs you know?

I like many different things, including books, online games, and cooking. With books I read many different genres, my favorite genre is science fiction though. I'm also currently trying to write my own novels.( that aint working out too well when I keep getting new ideas.) The online game I play the most is called Mabinogi. Pretty much just a fantasy life game that I enjoy kicking butt on. As for cooking I'm thinking about going to follow that as a career choice, but I'm not sure at all, just following my old Freshmen dreams.( I'm a Junior currently) I also have some small interests too, including musicals and such. My current favorite is Phantom of the Opera.

Well I'm not sure what else to share. sweatdrop But feel free to pm me if you wish. I'm not looking for anything right away, just chatting would be nice too.