You cant, the dog either has it or it does not, end of. It is the dog that will decide what motivates it and what it finds rewarding, not you, and whatever that is, that is what you supply.
and other things...
Abby was more food motivated than she is toy motivated(which I accepted), but as of now she's probably equally as motivated by both! Apparently I did the "impossible" according to the people who said that I can't build her toy drive.
She now goes spazztic when I bring out her tug and where as a few months go I had to actually initiate the play by spazzing out myself and even when I did that she would only play for a few seconds before quiting. And now it's something she is willing to work for where as before not so much unless it was her now destroyed pheasant toy.
The second I bring her tug out shes like "ZOMG ME WANTZ" and goes straight into play/work mode. And thank god for this because right now using the tug is way easier to build her forward drive for agility than using treats
So in yo face people who said I can't build toy drive!