So we had our second class this past Monday and Abby just continues to amaze me.

She was extremely in tune to me and again was wonderfully behaved. However at the start Abby ran into some trouble with another dog in class. See ever since this dog park incident(because of it we haven’t/never will go back) she’s been weird about strange dogs getting to in her face(and with the added stress of the class probably had her on edge). So she reacted when a dog got to close, but afterwards she was fine.

We did some work with ladders, wobble boards, and 2o2o. She did great at everything. Her rear-end awareness is amazing and who would thunk we only work on it 2-3 weeks before class? The lady who was helping our instructor with the class said she was doing really well and surprised she was already aware that she had a back end. And Abby just thought the wobble board was the most amazing thing in the world. She wasn’t the least bit weirded out about the movement beneath her. She was gladly lunging at it when I asked her "are you ready?" and of course when she jumped on I dished out a handful of treats...

When it came to doing some jumps she did awesome. I’m so proud of her. She even got to be a demo dog! She of course didn’t want to work for our instructor…. silly dog is usually all about the strangers, but she just wanted to hide behind me when she took the lead, didn’t even take the hot dog from her *sigh*

We were supposed to work on 2×2 for weaves, but we ran out of time so should be doing that next class. Abby’s already experienced as far as the 2×2 and weaving goes. So hopefully she’ll excel that that as well.

She's doing great so far and seems to really be enjoying classes when she's not crated (or being worked by our instructor). But at the rate she's going maybe just maybe we will have our first trial next summer or fall?