Thought I'd make a post for everyone to update on her training and all.

So we had our 3rd class this past Wednesday instead of Monday because of the holiday and everything. It was a fun class and she's doing so well.

Last week she was introduced to the wobble board and she took to that like a fish to water(?). She was having a blast and when I would say "ready.... get it" she'd literally attack the thing and just pounce on it. She has some amazing rear end awareness that I never knew she had. I mean she even tried pouncing on it when another dog was working on it. The only thing I really did to work on it was placing her front 2 paws on a box and being able to circle around it. and we only started that about 2 weeks before class and everyone was surprised including me when she was able to do the ladder with no problem. She was just like yup "that was easy" And we also did some cavalettis(set at 4 inches) and she didn't knock a single bar!

Now for this past wednsday...

to start she was also being a huge brat probably (because of the rain and I didn't get the chance to walk her at all yesterday) because of rain and school work and everything else which honestly isn't an excuse, but it happened. For some reason she was all about the dobie in our class. like no joke. She usually ignores all the other dogs except for when they get right up close to her, but she just kept heading for the dobie when we had her off leash. and she just would not listen when we were working on speed downs. She just completely drowned me out and refused to work. Little turd. It was just her off day I guess so maybe next monday will be better....

But other than that she was pretty good we did 2x2 work and she was beast. Better than I actually thought since we haven't exactly worked on entries all that much. She also had her intro to the teeter. She was just like ok giant incline thing well I will just avoid it as much as possible. she would put 2 or 3 paws on and I treated her and then at one point she just decided it was best to just completely ignore it and then at last she got all four on and made it about half way up where I treated like crazy (and basically ran out of treats at that point) then picked her up and put her on the floor.

She also really does NOT like our instructor. Normally she's all random strange dude must jump and love, but since the first day of agility Abby just hasn't connected with her at all. We were doing some cavalettis and I left her with our instructor in a sit and walked to the other side and that dog just did not want to stay. She wouldn't go near her and kept trying to follow me. It really has dumb founded us all. She likes the lady who helps out with our class and any random person who walks past her when we're trying to work, but our instructor she just doesn't like. wouldn't even take the treats that were offered to her... go figure