My girlfriend's driving up to Dallas to see me for New Year's and well, I'm at a loss on what exactly we can do together.

The area I'm in doesn't really take kindly to GLBTI people, so being seen in public could cause some conflict. And since we're both trans, that makes things a bit difficult.[Like using the restroom, etc,]

What's there to do in my area?

These are what I got for stuffs:
The Korean district w/ a grocery store, mini-shops, karaoke, yogurt shop
We could drive out to some malls and wander about[Could get stares]
Starbucks[It's literally across the street, but I'm more of a tea person]

Any ideas? I'd love some help, given how I really want to impress her and there might be the possibility that my ex-best friend could be in town the day I want girlfriend and myself to hang out with a friend of mine.[He's friends with said ex-best friend]